// pages/main/addtionalreduce/adddupporters/adddupporters.js var app = getApp(); var baseUrl = app.globalData.baseUrl; var format = require('../../../../utils/util.js'); Page({ /** * Page initial data */ data: { legal_entity_id: "", supporter_id: "", name: "", nation: "", id_card_no: "", birthday: "", datas: "", birthday_datelong: -1, }, /** * Lifecycle function--Called when page load */ onLoad: function(options) { console.log("onLoad", options) if (options.id) { this.setData({ legal_entity_id: options.id, }) } if (options.datas && JSON.parse(options.datas)) { var curdata = JSON.parse(options.datas) this.setData({ datas: curdata, supporter_id: curdata.id, name: curdata.co_supporter, id_card_no: curdata.id_card_no, birthday: curdata.birthday ? this.formatDate(curdata.birthday) : "", birthday_datelong: curdata.birthday }) } }, /** * Lifecycle function--Called when page is initially rendered */ onReady: function() { }, /** * Lifecycle function--Called when page show */ onShow: function() { var that = this wx.getStorage({ key: 'id_info', success: function(res) { console.log('id_info', res.data) if (res.data && res.data.length > 0) { var id_info = JSON.parse(res.data) var birth_day if (id_info.birthday.month > 9 && id_info.birthday.day > 9) { birth_day = id_info.birthday.year + '-' + id_info.birthday.month + '-' + id_info.birthday.day; } else if (id_info.birthday.month > 9 && id_info.birthday.day < 10) { birth_day = id_info.birthday.year + '-' + id_info.birthday.month + '-0' + id_info.birthday.day; } else if (id_info.birthday.month < 10 && id_info.birthday.day > 9) { birth_day = id_info.birthday.year + '-0' + id_info.birthday.month + '-' + id_info.birthday.day; } else if (id_info.birthday.month < 10 && id_info.birthday.day < 10) { birth_day = id_info.birthday.year + '-0' + id_info.birthday.month + '-0' + id_info.birthday.day; } console.log("birth_day", birth_day) that.setData({ name: id_info.name, id_card_no: id_info.id_card_number, birthday: birth_day, birthday_datelong: Date.parse(new Date(birth_day)) / 1000 }) } }, }) wx.removeStorage({ key: 'id_info', success(res) { console.log(res.data) } }) }, getIdInfo: function(e) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../taxperson/idinfo/idinfo' }) }, formSubmit: function(e) { console.log("formSubmit", e); var formdata = e.detail.value if (!formdata.name || formdata.name.length < 1) { this.showToast("请输入姓名") return; } else if (!formdata.id_card_no || formdata.id_card_no.length < 1) { this.showToast("请输入身份证号") return; } else if (!format.isIDCardNum(formdata.id_card_no)) { this.showToast("证件号码有误") return; } if (this.data.birthday.length < 1) { this.showToast("请选择出生日期") return; } this.goAdd(formdata) }, goAdd: function(formdata) { var that = this; var Authorization = getApp().globalData.Authorization; wx.request({ url: baseUrl + 'persontax/v1/co-supporters', data: { "id": that.data.supporter_id, "legal_entity_id": that.data.legal_entity_id, "co_supporter": formdata.name, "id_card_type": "1", "id_card_no": formdata.id_card_no, "birthday": that.data.birthday_datelong, "nation": "中国", "relation_ship": "兄、弟、姐、妹" }, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json', "Authorization": Authorization }, method: "POST", success: function(res) { if (res && res.data) { console.log("succ", res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) } else { that.showToast(res.data.message) } } }, fail: function(res) { console.log("fail", res) that.showToast(res.data.message) } }) }, bindDateChange: function(e) { console.log('picker发送选择改变,携带值为', e) this.setData({ birthday: e.detail.value, birthday_datelong: Date.parse(new Date(e.detail.value)) / 1000 }) }, showToast: function(data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { wx.showToast({ title: data, icon: "none" }) } }, bindinput: function(e) { console.log("bindinput", e.detail.value) var idCardNo = e.detail.value if (idCardNo.length == 18) { if (!format.isIDCardNum(idCardNo)) { wx.showToast({ image: "../../../../images/warn.png", title: '身份证格式有误' }) return; } var info = format.analyzeIDCard(idCardNo) console.log('info', info.age, info.sex, info.birthDay, (Date.parse(new Date(info.birthDay)) / 1000)) this.setData({ birthday: info.birthDay, birthday_datelong: (Date.parse(new Date(info.birthDay)) / 1000), }) } }, formatDate(date) { if (date == 0 || date == -62135596800) { date = "" } else { date = format.formatTime_date(date) } console.log("formatDate", date) return date }, /** * Lifecycle function--Called when page hide */ onHide: function() { }, /** * Lifecycle function--Called when page unload */ onUnload: function() { }, /** * Page event handler function--Called when user drop down */ onPullDownRefresh: function() { }, /** * Called when page reach bottom */ onReachBottom: function() { }, /** * Called when user click on the top right corner to share */ onShareAppMessage: function() { } })