DingTalk Encrypt Node Version.
Refer to Java version:
Issues: It's your turn!
this repository
- git clone
- npm install
- run 'EncryptTest.js' for main APIs.
npm module
- npm install --save dingtalk-encrypt
- use APIs as follows API Doc.
Need constants:
TOKEN - Random string for signature, unrestricted, such as "123456".
ENCODING_AES_KEY - Secret key for callback data, random 43 characters of [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].
CORP_ID - DingTalk corpId from the Official OA. -
Main APIs(Usage Example):
- getEncryptedMap
- getDecryptMsg
- getSignature
- encrypt
- decrypt
- 处理钉钉回调 ``` // 参考:钉钉开发文档-业务事件回调 const DingTalkEncryptor = require('dingtalk-encrypt'); const utils = require('dingtalk-encrypt/Utils'); /** 加解密需要,可以随机填写。如 "12345" / const TOKEN = '666666'; /* 加密密钥,用于回调数据的加密,固定为43个字符,从[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]共62个字符中随机生成/ const ENCODING_AES_KEY = 'TXpRMU5qYzRPVEF4TWpNME5UWTNPRGt3TVRJek5EVTI'; // const ENCODING_AES_KEY = utils.getRandomStr(43); /* 企业corpid, 可以在钉钉企业管理后台查看(https://oa.dingtalk.com/) / const CORP_ID = 'ding12345678901234567890123456789012'; /* 实例化加密类 */ console.log('\nEncryptor Test:'); const encryptor = new DingTalkEncryptor(TOKEN, ENCODING_AES_KEY, CORP_ID);
// 解密钉钉回调数据 const plainText = encryptor.getDecryptMsg(signature, timestamp, nonce, encryptMsg); console.log('DEBUG plainText: ' + plainText); const obj = JSON.parse(plainText); // 回调事件类型,根据事件类型和业务数据处理相应业务 const eventType = obj.EventType; // 响应数据:加密'success',签名等等 encryptor.getEncryptedMap('success', timestamp, utils.getRandomStr(8));
- 单独使用加/解密
/** 测试加解密响应报文或者字符串 */
const testJson = {
EventType: 'bpms_instance_change',
processInstanceId: 'ad253df6-e175caf-68085c60ba8a',
corpId: 'ding2c4d8175651',
createTime: 1495592259000,
title: '自测-1016',
type: 'start',
staffId: 'er5875',
url: 'https://aflow.dingtalk.com/dingtalk/mobile/homepage.htm',
processCode: 'xxx',
// console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testJson)));
// const unencryptedJson = 'success';
const unencryptedJson = JSON.stringify(testJson);
console.log(node unencryptedJson:\n ${unencryptedJson}
const encryptedJson = encryptor.encrypt(ENCRYPT_RANDOM_16, unencryptedJson);
console.log(\nnode encryptedJson:\n ${encryptedJson}
const decryptedJson = encryptor.decrypt(encryptedJson);
console.log(\nnode decryptedJson:\n ${decryptedJson}, (${decryptedJson.length})
console.log(' \nnode sign:\n ' + encryptor.getSignature(TOKEN, timeStamp, nonce, encryptedJson));
# Thanks To
- [Authors of crypto-js](https://github.com/brix/crypto-js)
- [Authors of eapp-corp-project](https://github.com/opendingtalk/eapp-corp-project)