29 个修改的文件
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23 | + <option value="E722" /> | |
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33 | + <option value="N802" /> | |
34 | + </list> | |
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39 | +</component> | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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7 | + </component> | |
8 | +</project> | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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56 | + <task active="true" id="Default" summary="Default task"> | |
57 | + <changelist id="129454fc-5415-4c7e-9855-d0293355ede5" name="Default Changelist" comment="" /> | |
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83 | + </component> | |
84 | +</project> | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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1 | +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
2 | +<module type="PYTHON_MODULE" version="4"> | |
3 | + <component name="NewModuleRootManager"> | |
4 | + <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" /> | |
5 | + <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" /> | |
6 | + <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" /> | |
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13 | + <option name="PROJECT_TEST_RUNNER" value="pytest" /> | |
14 | + </component> | |
15 | +</module> | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/9 00:30 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: handle_config.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | +""" | |
8 | +封装读取ini文件 | |
9 | +""" | |
10 | +import os | |
11 | +from configparser import ConfigParser | |
12 | +from common.handle_path import Config_Path | |
13 | + | |
14 | + | |
15 | +class Config(ConfigParser): | |
16 | + | |
17 | + def __init__(self, filename, encoding='utf-8'): | |
18 | + super().__init__() | |
19 | + self.read(filename, encoding=encoding) | |
20 | + | |
21 | + | |
22 | +# 创建一个配置文件解析器 | |
23 | +conf = Config(os.path.join(Config_Path, "config.ini")) | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/12 12:05 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: handle_db.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | +""" | |
8 | +封装数据库 | |
9 | +""" | |
10 | +import pymysql | |
11 | +from common.handle_config import conf | |
12 | + | |
13 | + | |
14 | +class DB: | |
15 | + def __init__(self, host, port, password, user): | |
16 | + self.con = pymysql.connect(host=host, | |
17 | + port=port, | |
18 | + user=user, | |
19 | + password=password, | |
20 | + charset="utf8", | |
21 | + cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor | |
22 | + ) | |
23 | + # 第二步:创建一个游标对象 | |
24 | + self.cur = self.con.cursor() | |
25 | + | |
26 | + def find_data(self, sql): | |
27 | + """查询数据""" | |
28 | + # 先提交事物,同步数据库的最新状态self.con.commit(),然后在查询 | |
29 | + self.con.commit() | |
30 | + self.cur.execute(sql) | |
31 | + res = self.cur.fetchall() | |
32 | + return res | |
33 | + | |
34 | + | |
35 | +db = DB(host=conf.get("mysql", "host"), | |
36 | + port=conf.getint("mysql", "port"), # 端口需要用int类型 | |
37 | + user=conf.get("mysql", "user"), | |
38 | + password=conf.get("mysql", "password") | |
39 | + ) | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/8 21:58 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: hand_excel.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | +""" | |
8 | +封装读写excel表格 | |
9 | + | |
10 | +""" | |
11 | +import openpyxl | |
12 | + | |
13 | + | |
14 | +class Excel(object): | |
15 | + def __init__(self, file_name, file_sheet): | |
16 | + """ | |
17 | + :param file_name: 文件路径 | |
18 | + :param file_sheet: Excel表格sheet页 | |
19 | + """ | |
20 | + self.file_name = file_name | |
21 | + self.file_sheet = file_sheet | |
22 | + | |
23 | + def open_excel(self): | |
24 | + """打开工作簿""" | |
25 | + | |
26 | + self.wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(self.file_name) | |
27 | + self.sh = self.wb[self.file_sheet] | |
28 | + | |
29 | + def read_excel(self): | |
30 | + """读取excel表格数据""" | |
31 | + # 打开工作簿 | |
32 | + self.open_excel() | |
33 | + # 读取表头 | |
34 | + res = list(self.sh.rows) | |
35 | + title = [] | |
36 | + for i in res[0]: | |
37 | + title.append(i.value) | |
38 | + test_case = [] | |
39 | + # 读取非表头 | |
40 | + for item in res[1:]: | |
41 | + data = [] | |
42 | + for j in item: | |
43 | + data.append(j.value) | |
44 | + case = dict(zip(title, data)) | |
45 | + test_case.append(case) | |
46 | + return test_case | |
47 | + | |
48 | + def read_excel_location(self, row_column): | |
49 | + """读写指定的单元格""" | |
50 | + self.open_excel() | |
51 | + # dy = self.sh["A2"].value | |
52 | + dy = self.sh[row_column].value | |
53 | + return dy | |
54 | + | |
55 | + def write_excel(self, row, column, value): | |
56 | + | |
57 | + """Excel表格写入数据""" | |
58 | + self.open_excel() | |
59 | + # 获取单元格定位并写入 | |
60 | + self.sh.cell(row=row, column=column, value=value) | |
61 | + # 保存 | |
62 | + self.wb.save(self.file_name) | |
63 | + | |
64 | + | |
65 | +if __name__ == '__main__': | |
66 | + a = Excel(r"/demo_08_workai_1/data/system/test_02_department.xlsx", | |
67 | + 'adddepartment') | |
68 | + a.read_excel_location("I2") | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +# #!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# # @Time : 2022/12/8 23:50 | |
4 | +# # @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# # @FileName: handle_log.py | |
6 | +# # @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | +# """ | |
8 | +# 封装日志 | |
9 | +# """ | |
10 | +import logging | |
11 | +import os | |
12 | +from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler, RotatingFileHandler | |
13 | +from common.handle_path import Log_Path | |
14 | +from common.handle_config import conf | |
15 | + | |
16 | +file_path = os.path.join(Log_Path, "log.log") | |
17 | + | |
18 | + | |
19 | +class HandleLog: | |
20 | + | |
21 | + def create_logger(): | |
22 | + # 创建日志收集器 | |
23 | + my_log = logging.getLogger('shitou') | |
24 | + | |
25 | + # 设置日志收集器等级 | |
26 | + my_log.setLevel(conf.get("logging", "collect")) | |
27 | + # 设置输出渠道 | |
28 | + # ---输出到控制台 | |
29 | + sh = logging.StreamHandler() | |
30 | + sh.setLevel(conf.get("logging", "console")) | |
31 | + my_log.addHandler(sh) | |
32 | + | |
33 | + # ---输出到文件根据时间轮转 | |
34 | + fh = TimedRotatingFileHandler(filename=file_path, | |
35 | + when=conf.get("logging", "time_units"), | |
36 | + interval=conf.getint("logging", "time"), | |
37 | + backupCount=conf.getint("logging", "max_quantity"), | |
38 | + encoding="utf-8") | |
39 | + # ---输出到文件根据文件大小轮转 | |
40 | + # fh = RotatingFileHandler(filename=file_path, | |
41 | + # mode='a', | |
42 | + # maxBytes=502, | |
43 | + # backupCount=4, | |
44 | + # encoding="utf-8", ) | |
45 | + fh.setLevel(conf.get("logging", "file")) | |
46 | + my_log.addHandler(fh) | |
47 | + # 设置日志输出格式 | |
48 | + formatter = "%(asctime)s - [%(filename)s-->line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s" | |
49 | + mate = logging.Formatter(formatter) | |
50 | + sh.setFormatter(mate) | |
51 | + fh.setFormatter(mate) | |
52 | + return my_log | |
53 | + log = create_logger() | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/9 00:08 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: handle_path.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | +""" | |
8 | +封装获取路径 | |
9 | +""" | |
10 | +import os | |
11 | + | |
12 | +# 项目根目录 | |
13 | +Base_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) | |
14 | +# 测试用例的路径 | |
15 | +TestCase_Path = os.path.join(Base_Path, "testcase") | |
16 | +# 测试报告的路径 | |
17 | +Report_Path = os.path.join(Base_Path, "report") | |
18 | +# 日志的路径 | |
19 | +Log_Path = os.path.join(Base_Path, "logs") | |
20 | +# 测试数据的Excel | |
21 | +DataExcel_Path = os.path.join(Base_Path, "data") | |
22 | +# 配置文件的路径 | |
23 | +Config_Path = os.path.join(Base_Path, "conf") | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
2 | +# This file is a part of DDT (https://github.com/txels/ddt) | |
3 | +# Copyright 2012-2015 Carles Barrobés and DDT contributors | |
4 | +# For the exact contribution history, see the git revision log. | |
5 | +# DDT is licensed under the MIT License, included in | |
6 | +# https://github.com/txels/ddt/blob/master/LICENSE.md | |
7 | + | |
8 | +import inspect | |
9 | +import json | |
10 | +import os | |
11 | +import re | |
12 | +import codecs | |
13 | +from functools import wraps | |
14 | + | |
15 | +try: | |
16 | + import yaml | |
17 | +except ImportError: # pragma: no cover | |
18 | + _have_yaml = False | |
19 | +else: | |
20 | + _have_yaml = True | |
21 | + | |
22 | +__version__ = '1.2.1' | |
23 | + | |
24 | +# These attributes will not conflict with any real python attribute | |
25 | +# They are added to the decorated test method and processed later | |
26 | +# by the `ddt` class decorator. | |
27 | + | |
28 | +DATA_ATTR = '%values' # store the data the test must run with | |
29 | +FILE_ATTR = '%file_path' # store the path to JSON file | |
30 | +UNPACK_ATTR = '%unpack' # remember that we have to unpack values | |
31 | +index_len = 5 # default max length of case index | |
32 | + | |
33 | + | |
34 | +try: | |
35 | + trivial_types = (type(None), bool, int, float, basestring) | |
36 | +except NameError: | |
37 | + trivial_types = (type(None), bool, int, float, str) | |
38 | + | |
39 | + | |
40 | +def is_trivial(value): | |
41 | + if isinstance(value, trivial_types): | |
42 | + return True | |
43 | + elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): | |
44 | + return all(map(is_trivial, value)) | |
45 | + return False | |
46 | + | |
47 | + | |
48 | +def unpack(func): | |
49 | + """ | |
50 | + Method decorator to add unpack feature. | |
51 | + | |
52 | + """ | |
53 | + setattr(func, UNPACK_ATTR, True) | |
54 | + return func | |
55 | + | |
56 | + | |
57 | +def data(*values): | |
58 | + """ | |
59 | + Method decorator to add to your test methods. | |
60 | + | |
61 | + Should be added to methods of instances of ``unittest.TestCase``. | |
62 | + | |
63 | + """ | |
64 | + global index_len | |
65 | + index_len = len(str(len(values))) | |
66 | + return idata(values) | |
67 | + | |
68 | + | |
69 | +def idata(iterable): | |
70 | + """ | |
71 | + Method decorator to add to your test methods. | |
72 | + | |
73 | + Should be added to methods of instances of ``unittest.TestCase``. | |
74 | + | |
75 | + """ | |
76 | + def wrapper(func): | |
77 | + setattr(func, DATA_ATTR, iterable) | |
78 | + return func | |
79 | + return wrapper | |
80 | + | |
81 | + | |
82 | +def file_data(value): | |
83 | + """ | |
84 | + Method decorator to add to your test methods. | |
85 | + | |
86 | + Should be added to methods of instances of ``unittest.TestCase``. | |
87 | + | |
88 | + ``value`` should be a path relative to the directory of the file | |
89 | + containing the decorated ``unittest.TestCase``. The file | |
90 | + should contain JSON encoded data, that can either be a list or a | |
91 | + dict. | |
92 | + | |
93 | + In case of a list, each value in the list will correspond to one | |
94 | + test case, and the value will be concatenated to the test method | |
95 | + name. | |
96 | + | |
97 | + In case of a dict, keys will be used as suffixes to the name of the | |
98 | + test case, and values will be fed as test data. | |
99 | + | |
100 | + """ | |
101 | + def wrapper(func): | |
102 | + setattr(func, FILE_ATTR, value) | |
103 | + return func | |
104 | + return wrapper | |
105 | + | |
106 | + | |
107 | +def mk_test_name(name, value, index=0): | |
108 | + """ | |
109 | + Generate a new name for a test case. | |
110 | + | |
111 | + It will take the original test name and append an ordinal index and a | |
112 | + string representation of the value, and convert the result into a valid | |
113 | + python identifier by replacing extraneous characters with ``_``. | |
114 | + | |
115 | + We avoid doing str(value) if dealing with non-trivial values. | |
116 | + The problem is possible different names with different runs, e.g. | |
117 | + different order of dictionary keys (see PYTHONHASHSEED) or dealing | |
118 | + with mock objects. | |
119 | + Trivial scalar values are passed as is. | |
120 | + | |
121 | + A "trivial" value is a plain scalar, or a tuple or list consisting | |
122 | + only of trivial values. | |
123 | + """ | |
124 | + | |
125 | + # Add zeros before index to keep order | |
126 | + index = "{0:0{1}}".format(index + 1, index_len) | |
127 | + if not is_trivial(value): | |
128 | + return "{0}_{1}".format(name, index) | |
129 | + try: | |
130 | + value = str(value) | |
131 | + except UnicodeEncodeError: | |
132 | + # fallback for python2 | |
133 | + value = value.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') | |
134 | + test_name = "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(name, index, value) | |
135 | + return re.sub(r'\W|^(?=\d)', '_', test_name) | |
136 | + | |
137 | + | |
138 | +def feed_data(func, new_name, test_data_docstring, *args, **kwargs): | |
139 | + """ | |
140 | + This internal method decorator feeds the test data item to the test. | |
141 | + | |
142 | + """ | |
143 | + @wraps(func) | |
144 | + def wrapper(self): | |
145 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
146 | + wrapper.__name__ = new_name | |
147 | + wrapper.__wrapped__ = func | |
148 | + # set docstring if exists | |
149 | + if test_data_docstring is not None: | |
150 | + wrapper.__doc__ = test_data_docstring | |
151 | + else: | |
152 | + # Try to call format on the docstring | |
153 | + if func.__doc__: | |
154 | + try: | |
155 | + wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__.format(*args, **kwargs) | |
156 | + except (IndexError, KeyError): | |
157 | + # Maybe the user has added some of the formating strings | |
158 | + # unintentionally in the docstring. Do not raise an exception | |
159 | + # as it could be that user is not aware of the | |
160 | + # formating feature. | |
161 | + pass | |
162 | + return wrapper | |
163 | + | |
164 | + | |
165 | +def add_test(cls, test_name, test_docstring, func, *args, **kwargs): | |
166 | + """ | |
167 | + Add a test case to this class. | |
168 | + | |
169 | + The test will be based on an existing function but will give it a new | |
170 | + name. | |
171 | + | |
172 | + """ | |
173 | + setattr(cls, test_name, feed_data(func, test_name, test_docstring, | |
174 | + *args, **kwargs)) | |
175 | + | |
176 | + | |
177 | +def process_file_data(cls, name, func, file_attr): | |
178 | + """ | |
179 | + Process the parameter in the `file_data` decorator. | |
180 | + """ | |
181 | + cls_path = os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(cls)) | |
182 | + data_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cls_path), file_attr) | |
183 | + | |
184 | + def create_error_func(message): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613 | |
185 | + def func(*args): | |
186 | + raise ValueError(message % file_attr) | |
187 | + return func | |
188 | + | |
189 | + # If file does not exist, provide an error function instead | |
190 | + if not os.path.exists(data_file_path): | |
191 | + test_name = mk_test_name(name, "error") | |
192 | + test_docstring = """Error!""" | |
193 | + add_test(cls, test_name, test_docstring, | |
194 | + create_error_func("%s does not exist"), None) | |
195 | + return | |
196 | + | |
197 | + _is_yaml_file = data_file_path.endswith((".yml", ".yaml")) | |
198 | + | |
199 | + # Don't have YAML but want to use YAML file. | |
200 | + if _is_yaml_file and not _have_yaml: | |
201 | + test_name = mk_test_name(name, "error") | |
202 | + test_docstring = """Error!""" | |
203 | + add_test( | |
204 | + cls, | |
205 | + test_name, | |
206 | + test_docstring, | |
207 | + create_error_func("%s is a YAML file, please install PyYAML"), | |
208 | + None | |
209 | + ) | |
210 | + return | |
211 | + | |
212 | + with codecs.open(data_file_path, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: | |
213 | + # Load the data from YAML or JSON | |
214 | + if _is_yaml_file: | |
215 | + data = yaml.safe_load(f) | |
216 | + else: | |
217 | + data = json.load(f) | |
218 | + | |
219 | + _add_tests_from_data(cls, name, func, data) | |
220 | + | |
221 | + | |
222 | +def _add_tests_from_data(cls, name, func, data): | |
223 | + """ | |
224 | + Add tests from data loaded from the data file into the class | |
225 | + """ | |
226 | + for i, elem in enumerate(data): | |
227 | + if isinstance(data, dict): | |
228 | + key, value = elem, data[elem] | |
229 | + test_name = mk_test_name(name, key, i) | |
230 | + elif isinstance(data, list): | |
231 | + value = elem | |
232 | + test_name = mk_test_name(name, value, i) | |
233 | + if isinstance(value, dict): | |
234 | + add_test(cls, test_name, test_name, func, **value) | |
235 | + else: | |
236 | + add_test(cls, test_name, test_name, func, value) | |
237 | + | |
238 | + | |
239 | +def _is_primitive(obj): | |
240 | + """Finds out if the obj is a "primitive". It is somewhat hacky but it works. | |
241 | + """ | |
242 | + return not hasattr(obj, '__dict__') | |
243 | + | |
244 | + | |
245 | +def _get_test_data_docstring(func, value): | |
246 | + """Returns a docstring based on the following resolution strategy: | |
247 | + 1. Passed value is not a "primitive" and has a docstring, then use it. | |
248 | + 2. In all other cases return None, i.e the test name is used. | |
249 | + """ | |
250 | + if not _is_primitive(value) and value.__doc__: | |
251 | + return value.__doc__ | |
252 | + else: | |
253 | + return None | |
254 | + | |
255 | + | |
256 | +def ddt(cls): | |
257 | + """ | |
258 | + Class decorator for subclasses of ``unittest.TestCase``. | |
259 | + | |
260 | + Apply this decorator to the test case class, and then | |
261 | + decorate test methods with ``@data``. | |
262 | + | |
263 | + For each method decorated with ``@data``, this will effectively create as | |
264 | + many methods as data items are passed as parameters to ``@data``. | |
265 | + | |
266 | + The names of the test methods follow the pattern | |
267 | + ``original_test_name_{ordinal}_{data}``. ``ordinal`` is the position of the | |
268 | + data argument, starting with 1. | |
269 | + | |
270 | + For data we use a string representation of the data value converted into a | |
271 | + valid python identifier. If ``data.__name__`` exists, we use that instead. | |
272 | + | |
273 | + For each method decorated with ``@file_data('test_data.json')``, the | |
274 | + decorator will try to load the test_data.json file located relative | |
275 | + to the python file containing the method that is decorated. It will, | |
276 | + for each ``test_name`` key create as many methods in the list of values | |
277 | + from the ``data`` key. | |
278 | + | |
279 | + """ | |
280 | + for name, func in list(cls.__dict__.items()): | |
281 | + if hasattr(func, DATA_ATTR): | |
282 | + for i, v in enumerate(getattr(func, DATA_ATTR)): | |
283 | + test_name = mk_test_name(name, getattr(v, "__name__", v), i) | |
284 | + # 源码 | |
285 | + # test_data_docstring = _get_test_data_docstring(func, v) | |
286 | + # 修改 | |
287 | + #----start---- | |
288 | + if v.get("title"): | |
289 | + test_data_docstring =v["title"] | |
290 | + else: | |
291 | + test_data_docstring = _get_test_data_docstring(func, v) | |
292 | + #----end------ | |
293 | + | |
294 | + if hasattr(func, UNPACK_ATTR): | |
295 | + if isinstance(v, tuple) or isinstance(v, list): | |
296 | + add_test( | |
297 | + cls, | |
298 | + test_name, | |
299 | + test_data_docstring, | |
300 | + func, | |
301 | + *v | |
302 | + ) | |
303 | + else: | |
304 | + # unpack dictionary | |
305 | + add_test( | |
306 | + cls, | |
307 | + test_name, | |
308 | + test_data_docstring, | |
309 | + func, | |
310 | + **v | |
311 | + ) | |
312 | + else: | |
313 | + add_test(cls, test_name, test_data_docstring, func, v) | |
314 | + delattr(cls, name) | |
315 | + elif hasattr(func, FILE_ATTR): | |
316 | + file_attr = getattr(func, FILE_ATTR) | |
317 | + process_file_data(cls, name, func, file_attr) | |
318 | + delattr(cls, name) | |
319 | + return cls | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +;============================================================================================ | |
2 | +;环境地址 | |
3 | +;============================================================================================ | |
4 | +[url] | |
5 | +;测试环境 | |
6 | +url_ip = | |
7 | +login_token = {"Authorization": "Basic"+" "+"d29ya2FpOjEyMzQ1Ng=="} | |
8 | + | |
9 | + | |
10 | + | |
11 | +;============================================================================================ | |
12 | +;用户数据 | |
13 | +;============================================================================================ | |
14 | +[user_data] | |
15 | +;账号 | |
16 | +username = 17301249975 | |
17 | +;密码 | |
18 | +userpassword = f85eea0e15e424aba8675f8848e2cb83 | |
19 | +;登录方式 | |
20 | +;手机验证码登录code, | |
21 | +;微信OpenId登录:wechat, | |
22 | +;微信Code登录或注册:wecaht_code, | |
23 | +;用户名登录name, | |
24 | +;租户登录hr、hro:tenant、 | |
25 | +;third:三方登录、 | |
26 | +;刷新token:refresh_token | |
27 | +way = name | |
28 | +;用户类型teacher老师, | |
29 | +;student学生, | |
30 | +;company企业, | |
31 | +;broker经纪人 | |
32 | +type = teacher | |
33 | + | |
34 | + | |
35 | + | |
36 | +;============================================================================================ | |
37 | +;报告的相关配置 | |
38 | +;============================================================================================ | |
39 | +[report] | |
40 | +;报告名称 | |
41 | +filename = report.html | |
42 | +;报告标题 | |
43 | +title = 优学乐业测试报告 | |
44 | +;测试员 | |
45 | +tester = 石头 | |
46 | +;报告描述 | |
47 | +desc = 优学乐业测试报告 | |
48 | +;报告样式 | |
49 | +templates = 1 | |
50 | + | |
51 | + | |
52 | + | |
53 | + | |
54 | + | |
55 | +;============================================================================================ | |
56 | +;日志相关的配置 | |
57 | +;============================================================================================ | |
58 | +[logging] | |
59 | +;日志收集器等级 | |
60 | +collect = DEBUG | |
61 | +;输出到控制台等级 | |
62 | +console = CRITICAL | |
63 | +;输出到文件根据时间轮转等级 | |
64 | +file = DEBUG | |
65 | +;文件轮转时长单位 | |
66 | +time_units = d | |
67 | +;文件轮转时长 | |
68 | +time = 1 | |
69 | +;文件轮转最大数量 | |
70 | +max_quantity = 10 | |
71 | + | |
72 | + | |
73 | + | |
74 | + | |
75 | + | |
76 | + | |
77 | + | |
78 | +;============================================================================================ | |
79 | +;数据库相关的配置 | |
80 | +;============================================================================================ | |
81 | +[mysql] | |
82 | +host = api.lemonban.com | |
83 | +port = 3306 | |
84 | +user = future | |
85 | +password = 123456 | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
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1 | +优学乐业 | |
2 | +==== | |
3 | +> 说明: | |
4 | +>> 语言:python | |
5 | +>> | |
6 | +>>测试框架:unittest | |
7 | +>> | |
8 | +>>请求接口:requests(http请求) | |
9 | +>> | |
10 | +>>数据驱动:ddt | |
11 | +>> | |
12 | +>>数据管理:Excel文件,openpyxl操作读写 | |
13 | +>> | |
14 | +>>数据库交互:pymysql | |
15 | +>> | |
16 | +>>生成测试报告:HTMLTestRunnerNew / unittestreports | |
17 | +>> | |
18 | +>>日志处理:logging | |
19 | +>> | |
20 | +>>持续集成:定时任务Jenkins | |
21 | + | |
22 | +common: 封装的公方法 | |
23 | +---------- | |
24 | +conf: 配置文件 | |
25 | +---------- | |
26 | +data: 存放Excel表格的用例数据 | |
27 | +---------- | |
28 | +logs: 日志 | |
29 | +---------- | |
30 | +report: 测试报告 | |
31 | +---------- | |
32 | +testcase:测试用例 | |
33 | +---------- | |
34 | + | |
35 | +#### 一.test_01_login.py: 登陆用例 | |
36 | + | |
37 | +> 登陆成功/失败 | |
38 | + | |
39 | +#### 二.test_02_system_management.py: 系统管理用例 | |
40 | + | |
41 | +> 1.院系专业 | |
42 | +> | |
43 | +> 2.校历设置 | |
44 | +> | |
45 | +> 3.签章管理 | |
46 | +> | |
47 | +> 4.模版库 | |
48 | +> | |
49 | +tools:工具 | |
50 | +---------- | |
51 | + | |
52 | +run.py:运行文件 | |
53 | +---------- | |
54 | + | |
55 | + | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
此 diff 太大无法显示。
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此 diff 太大无法显示。
0 → 100644
1 | +[{"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "12.67 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-19 17:56:09", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "7.87 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-19 17:58:06", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "7.24 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-19 18:17:28", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "7.45 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-19 18:19:47", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "7.72 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-19 19:32:22", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "103.32 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-19 20:35:55", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "6.95 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-20 12:06:06", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "6.92 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-20 21:34:11", "pass_rate": "37.50"}, {"success": 9, "all": 24, "fail": 15, "skip": 0, "error": 0, "runtime": "6.77 S", "begin_time": "2022-12-20 21:35:13", "pass_rate": "37.50"}] | |
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1 | +<!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 | +<html lang="en"> | |
3 | +<head> | |
4 | + <meta charset="UTF-8"> | |
5 | + <title>测试报告</title> | |
6 | + | |
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16 | + text-align: center; | |
17 | + font: bolder 38px/60px "Microsoft YaHei UI"; | |
18 | + } | |
19 | + | |
20 | + /*汇总信息样式*/ | |
21 | + .summary { | |
22 | + width: 90%; | |
23 | + position: absolute; | |
24 | + top: 120px; | |
25 | + margin-left: 5%; | |
26 | + | |
27 | + } | |
28 | + | |
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30 | + font: bolder 20px/30px "Microsoft YaHei UI"; | |
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32 | + | |
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36 | + | |
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38 | + | |
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42 | + | |
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44 | + | |
45 | + .desc { | |
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47 | + width: 100%; | |
48 | + } | |
49 | + | |
50 | + .list-group-item span { | |
51 | + font: normal 16px/38px "Microsoft YaHei UI"; | |
52 | + padding: 30px; | |
53 | + | |
54 | + } | |
55 | + | |
56 | + .list-group-item { | |
57 | + position: relative; | |
58 | + display: block; | |
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60 | + background-color: #fff; | |
61 | + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); | |
62 | + } | |
63 | + | |
64 | + /* 执行信息样式 */ | |
65 | + .test_info { | |
66 | + width: 90%; | |
67 | + position: absolute; | |
68 | + top: 900px; | |
69 | + margin-left: 5%; | |
70 | + | |
71 | + color: #28a745 !important; | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + | |
74 | + .table td, th { | |
75 | + border: solid 2px rgba(9, 122, 51, 0.11) !important; | |
76 | + padding: 0; | |
77 | + line-height: 40px; | |
78 | + text-align: center; | |
79 | + | |
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81 | + | |
82 | + | |
83 | + select { | |
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91 | + | |
92 | + option { | |
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94 | + height: 36px; | |
95 | + font: none 18px/36px "Microsoft YaHei UI"; | |
96 | + color: #28a745 !important; | |
97 | + } | |
98 | + | |
99 | + .test_log { | |
100 | + background: rgba(163, 171, 189, 0.15); | |
101 | + width: 100%; | |
102 | + height: 50px; | |
103 | + border-top: none; | |
104 | + border-bottom: none; | |
105 | + display: none; | |
106 | + text-align: left; | |
107 | + } | |
108 | + | |
109 | + .test_log td { | |
110 | + text-align: left; | |
111 | + height: 30px; | |
112 | + margin: 0; | |
113 | + padding-left: 3em; | |
114 | + padding-right:3em; | |
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118 | + | |
119 | + pre { | |
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121 | + white-space: pre-wrap; | |
122 | + white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; | |
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124 | + word-wrap: break-word; | |
125 | + line-height: 22px; | |
126 | + font-size: 14px | |
127 | + } | |
128 | + | |
129 | + /* 测试图表显示*/ | |
130 | + .char { | |
131 | + width: 90%; | |
132 | + position: absolute; | |
133 | + top: 450px; | |
134 | + margin-left: 5%; | |
135 | + color: #28a745 !important; | |
136 | + } | |
137 | + | |
138 | + </style> | |
139 | + | |
140 | +</head> | |
141 | +<body> | |
142 | + | |
143 | +<!--报告标题--> | |
144 | +<div class="title text-success"> | |
145 | + <div class="shadow-lg p-3 mb-5 bg-white rounded">优学乐业测试报告</div> | |
146 | +</div> | |
147 | + | |
148 | +<!--汇总信息--> | |
149 | +<div class="summary"> | |
150 | + <p class="text-left text-success">测试结果汇总</p> | |
151 | + <div class="left"> | |
152 | + <ul class="list-group"> | |
153 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
154 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">测试人员</button> | |
155 | + <span class="text-dark">石头</span> | |
156 | + </li> | |
157 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
158 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">开始时间</button> | |
159 | + <span class="text-dark">2022-12-20 21:35:13</span> | |
160 | + </li> | |
161 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
162 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">执行时间</button> | |
163 | + <span class="text-dark">6.77 S</span> | |
164 | + </li> | |
165 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
166 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">用例总数</button> | |
167 | + <span class="text-dark">24</span> | |
168 | + </li> | |
169 | + | |
170 | + | |
171 | + </ul> | |
172 | + </div> | |
173 | + <div class="right"> | |
174 | + <ul class="list-group"> | |
175 | + | |
176 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
177 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">成功用例</button> | |
178 | + <span class="text-success">9</span> | |
179 | + </li> | |
180 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
181 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning">失败用例</button> | |
182 | + <span class="text-warning">15</span> | |
183 | + </li> | |
184 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
185 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger">错误用例</button> | |
186 | + <span class="text-danger">0</span> | |
187 | + </li> | |
188 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
189 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">跳过用例</button> | |
190 | + <span class="text-secondary">0</span> | |
191 | + </li> | |
192 | + </ul> | |
193 | + </div> | |
194 | + <div class="desc"> | |
195 | + <ul class="list-group"> | |
196 | + <li class="list-group-item"> | |
197 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">描述信息</button> | |
198 | + <span class="text-secondary">优学乐业测试报告</span> | |
199 | + </li> | |
200 | + </ul> | |
201 | + </div> | |
202 | + | |
203 | + | |
204 | +</div> | |
205 | + | |
206 | +<!--测试图表--> | |
207 | +<div class="char"> | |
208 | + <p class="text-left text-success">图表展示</p> | |
209 | + <div id="char2" style="width: 49%;height: 400px;float: left"></div> | |
210 | + <div id="char" style="width: 49%;height: 400px ;float: left"></div> | |
211 | +</div> | |
212 | + | |
213 | +<!--详细信息--> | |
214 | +<div class="test_info"> | |
215 | + | |
216 | + <p class="text-left text-success">详细信息</p> | |
217 | + <div class="table_data"> | |
218 | + | |
219 | + <table class="table"> | |
220 | + <thead class="bg-success text-light"> | |
221 | + <tr> | |
222 | + <th scope="col" style="width: 5%;padding: 0">编号</th> | |
223 | + <th scope="col" style="width: 20%;padding: 0"> | |
224 | + <span>测试类</span> | |
225 | + <select id="testClass"> | |
226 | + <option>所有</option> | |
227 | + | |
228 | + <option>TestLogin</option> | |
229 | + | |
230 | + <option>Test02Specialty</option> | |
231 | + | |
232 | + <option>Test03Year</option> | |
233 | + | |
234 | + <option>Test01Department</option> | |
235 | + | |
236 | + </select> | |
237 | + | |
238 | + </th> | |
239 | + | |
240 | + <th scope="col" style="width: 15%;padding: 0">测试方法</th> | |
241 | + <th scope="col" style="width: 20%;padding: 0">用例描述</th> | |
242 | + <th scope="col" style="width: 15%;padding: 0">执行时间</th> | |
243 | + <th scope="col" style="width: 20%;padding: 0"> | |
244 | + | |
245 | + <span>执行结果</span> | |
246 | + <select id="testResult"> | |
247 | + <option>所有</option> | |
248 | + <option class="text-success">成功</option> | |
249 | + <option class="text-warning">失败</option> | |
250 | + <option class="text-danger">错误</option> | |
251 | + <option class="text-info">跳过</option> | |
252 | + </select> | |
253 | + | |
254 | + </th> | |
255 | + <th scope="col" style="width: 10%;padding: 0">详细信息</th> | |
256 | + </tr> | |
257 | + </thead> | |
258 | + <tbody> | |
259 | + | |
260 | + <tr> | |
261 | + <td>1</td> | |
262 | + <td class="TestLogin">TestLogin</td> | |
263 | + <td>test_login_1</td> | |
264 | + <td>登陆成功</td> | |
265 | + <td>0.537s</td> | |
266 | + | |
267 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
268 | + | |
269 | + <td> | |
270 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
271 | + </td> | |
272 | + </tr> | |
273 | + | |
274 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
275 | + | |
276 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
277 | + | |
278 | + | |
279 | + <pre>用例入参:{'way': 'name', 'password': 'f85eea0e15e424aba8675f8848e2cb83', 'type': 'teacher', 'username': '17301249975'} | |
280 | +预期结果:{'msg': 'success', 'code': 200} | |
281 | +实际结果:{'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': {'access_token': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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-V5aSn5a2mIiwianRpIjoiOThhOTY4NjktZDVlMy00YThlLWEyZmQtNmQxOWY5ZWVkNmIzIiwic3RhdHVzIjoiYWN0aXZlIn0.jGUS_oLPTLxKewnrJmIDQayv941nKoVoDkBpnWpF1L75UyLhkQHrNmvuyEwUiiSsYYfQsU1FV9Tj0BOjJZItppjX7FcRF-tKHIBj_YO2L9e1B9QfZ989vwjxhrV5NCe4dShPQ5QbH1yOQSTvshWKBBR5zEnqizpZtsZPDVSXb2Abd05nozG3MJVuRbYne72oeC86ho71JxdEkxCf2f7bKCFNmZF-oKBrIAhoVWPR4dQMrCE5JgeQGIIKC2buDyhJ9KhUCJhI0iz80raErP9x4RClT6n0RLOj-tXClTYj_snN8Fh_d6uqb9WFj3e37dkdFdWeyVwbg2PaC6gVU1-rlw', 'token_type': 'bearer', 'refresh_token': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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-V5aSn5a2mIiwianRpIjoiMmYzNjFlOWQtY2Y5YS00OWUyLWFhZjctYWQwMWQ5NjQyZjg5Iiwic3RhdHVzIjoiYWN0aXZlIn0.E2mScC7k8vugNPnXhieiKeDXiT1AOZ2TwtI3RNZ2a8XWB1L1Vl5NWOwr6FCQSd-ApqvTvOl8k0LYs5rkRdlgsRIJTy-_gNs4VhZU4b8mkWlajCn_prDbToCWcTjKJomPao5biiBgQtQ8Q2zgGYj_oAxv-yQoxIPaxATKECJrXhci7afbRFQjTwTdH8_uchvr7sv1-9lZ9gfKbFSXsYvjgXvlxH220Guvio9q6EGNfxKWVgHuPMsv96H2Le8qrzmJNmTht0660oftw0A2WL84ZFemvmMscaXizRkNL9Nv6bvt1o_unQXOVQwx61SYVNayB2UjsICGRJGU3Y_G2hgKBg', 'expires_in': 35999, 'scope': 'all', 'tenantType': '', 'brokerId': '', 'hroUserToken': None, 'authStatus': '', 'authenticationIdentity': 'login', 'type': 'teacher', 'userId': '1519959208529866753', 'studentId': '', 'teacherId': '1519959209276452865', 'tenantName': '', 'phone': '17301249975', 'schoolId': '1519958566130257922', 'tenantId': '', 'name': '校长', 'studentStatus': '', 'schoolName': '测试大学', 'status': 'active', 'jti': '98a96869-d5e3-4a8e-a2fd-6d19f9eed6b3'}} | |
282 | +test_login_1 (test_01_login.TestLogin)执行——>【通过】 | |
283 | +</pre> | |
284 | + | |
285 | + | |
286 | + </td> | |
287 | + </tr> | |
288 | + | |
289 | + <tr> | |
290 | + <td>2</td> | |
291 | + <td class="TestLogin">TestLogin</td> | |
292 | + <td>test_login_2</td> | |
293 | + <td>手机号填写错误的</td> | |
294 | + <td>0.219s</td> | |
295 | + | |
296 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
297 | + | |
298 | + <td> | |
299 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
300 | + </td> | |
301 | + </tr> | |
302 | + | |
303 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
304 | + | |
305 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
306 | + | |
307 | + | |
308 | + <pre>用例入参:{'username': '17301149975', 'password': 'f85eea0e15e424aba8675f8848e2cb83', 'type': 'teacher'} | |
309 | +预期结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '用户不存在'} | |
310 | +实际结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '参数不正确'} | |
311 | +test_login_2 (test_01_login.TestLogin)执行——>【失败】 | |
312 | +</pre> | |
313 | + | |
314 | + | |
315 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
316 | +</pre> | |
317 | + | |
318 | + | |
319 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
320 | + yield | |
321 | +</pre> | |
322 | + | |
323 | + | |
324 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
325 | + testMethod() | |
326 | +</pre> | |
327 | + | |
328 | + | |
329 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
330 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
331 | +</pre> | |
332 | + | |
333 | + | |
334 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 57, in test_login | |
335 | + raise e | |
336 | +</pre> | |
337 | + | |
338 | + | |
339 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 49, in test_login | |
340 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
341 | +</pre> | |
342 | + | |
343 | + | |
344 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
345 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
346 | +</pre> | |
347 | + | |
348 | + | |
349 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
350 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
351 | +</pre> | |
352 | + | |
353 | + | |
354 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
355 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
356 | +</pre> | |
357 | + | |
358 | + | |
359 | + <pre>AssertionError: '用户不存在' != '参数不正确' | |
360 | +- 用户不存在 | |
361 | ++ 参数不正确 | |
362 | + | |
363 | +</pre> | |
364 | + | |
365 | + | |
366 | + </td> | |
367 | + </tr> | |
368 | + | |
369 | + <tr> | |
370 | + <td>3</td> | |
371 | + <td class="TestLogin">TestLogin</td> | |
372 | + <td>test_login_3</td> | |
373 | + <td>手机号不进行填写</td> | |
374 | + <td>0.193s</td> | |
375 | + | |
376 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
377 | + | |
378 | + <td> | |
379 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
380 | + </td> | |
381 | + </tr> | |
382 | + | |
383 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
384 | + | |
385 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
386 | + | |
387 | + | |
388 | + <pre>用例入参:{'username': '', 'password': 'f85eea0e15e424aba8675f8848e2cb83', 'type': 'teacher'} | |
389 | +预期结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '用户名和密码不能为空'} | |
390 | +实际结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '参数不正确'} | |
391 | +test_login_3 (test_01_login.TestLogin)执行——>【失败】 | |
392 | +</pre> | |
393 | + | |
394 | + | |
395 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
396 | +</pre> | |
397 | + | |
398 | + | |
399 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
400 | + yield | |
401 | +</pre> | |
402 | + | |
403 | + | |
404 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
405 | + testMethod() | |
406 | +</pre> | |
407 | + | |
408 | + | |
409 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
410 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
411 | +</pre> | |
412 | + | |
413 | + | |
414 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 57, in test_login | |
415 | + raise e | |
416 | +</pre> | |
417 | + | |
418 | + | |
419 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 49, in test_login | |
420 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
421 | +</pre> | |
422 | + | |
423 | + | |
424 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
425 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
426 | +</pre> | |
427 | + | |
428 | + | |
429 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
430 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
431 | +</pre> | |
432 | + | |
433 | + | |
434 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
435 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
436 | +</pre> | |
437 | + | |
438 | + | |
439 | + <pre>AssertionError: '用户名和密码不能为空' != '参数不正确' | |
440 | +- 用户名和密码不能为空 | |
441 | ++ 参数不正确 | |
442 | + | |
443 | +</pre> | |
444 | + | |
445 | + | |
446 | + </td> | |
447 | + </tr> | |
448 | + | |
449 | + <tr> | |
450 | + <td>4</td> | |
451 | + <td class="TestLogin">TestLogin</td> | |
452 | + <td>test_login_4</td> | |
453 | + <td>密码填写错误</td> | |
454 | + <td>0.199s</td> | |
455 | + | |
456 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
457 | + | |
458 | + <td> | |
459 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
460 | + </td> | |
461 | + </tr> | |
462 | + | |
463 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
464 | + | |
465 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
466 | + | |
467 | + | |
468 | + <pre>用例入参:{'username': '17301249975', 'password': 'f85eea0e115e424aba8675f8848e2cb83', 'type': 'teacher'} | |
469 | +预期结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '密码不正确'} | |
470 | +实际结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '参数不正确'} | |
471 | +test_login_4 (test_01_login.TestLogin)执行——>【失败】 | |
472 | +</pre> | |
473 | + | |
474 | + | |
475 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
476 | +</pre> | |
477 | + | |
478 | + | |
479 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
480 | + yield | |
481 | +</pre> | |
482 | + | |
483 | + | |
484 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
485 | + testMethod() | |
486 | +</pre> | |
487 | + | |
488 | + | |
489 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
490 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
491 | +</pre> | |
492 | + | |
493 | + | |
494 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 57, in test_login | |
495 | + raise e | |
496 | +</pre> | |
497 | + | |
498 | + | |
499 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 49, in test_login | |
500 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
501 | +</pre> | |
502 | + | |
503 | + | |
504 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
505 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
506 | +</pre> | |
507 | + | |
508 | + | |
509 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
510 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
511 | +</pre> | |
512 | + | |
513 | + | |
514 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
515 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
516 | +</pre> | |
517 | + | |
518 | + | |
519 | + <pre>AssertionError: '密码不正确' != '参数不正确' | |
520 | +- 密码不正确 | |
521 | ++ 参数不正确 | |
522 | + | |
523 | +</pre> | |
524 | + | |
525 | + | |
526 | + </td> | |
527 | + </tr> | |
528 | + | |
529 | + <tr> | |
530 | + <td>5</td> | |
531 | + <td class="TestLogin">TestLogin</td> | |
532 | + <td>test_login_5</td> | |
533 | + <td>密码不进行填写</td> | |
534 | + <td>0.219s</td> | |
535 | + | |
536 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
537 | + | |
538 | + <td> | |
539 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
540 | + </td> | |
541 | + </tr> | |
542 | + | |
543 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
544 | + | |
545 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
546 | + | |
547 | + | |
548 | + <pre>用例入参:{'username': '17301249975', 'password': '', 'type': 'teacher'} | |
549 | +预期结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '用户名和密码不能为空'} | |
550 | +实际结果:{'code': 500, 'data': None, 'msg': '参数不正确'} | |
551 | +test_login_5 (test_01_login.TestLogin)执行——>【失败】 | |
552 | +</pre> | |
553 | + | |
554 | + | |
555 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
556 | +</pre> | |
557 | + | |
558 | + | |
559 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
560 | + yield | |
561 | +</pre> | |
562 | + | |
563 | + | |
564 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
565 | + testMethod() | |
566 | +</pre> | |
567 | + | |
568 | + | |
569 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
570 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
571 | +</pre> | |
572 | + | |
573 | + | |
574 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 57, in test_login | |
575 | + raise e | |
576 | +</pre> | |
577 | + | |
578 | + | |
579 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_01_login.py", line 49, in test_login | |
580 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
581 | +</pre> | |
582 | + | |
583 | + | |
584 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
585 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
586 | +</pre> | |
587 | + | |
588 | + | |
589 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
590 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
591 | +</pre> | |
592 | + | |
593 | + | |
594 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
595 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
596 | +</pre> | |
597 | + | |
598 | + | |
599 | + <pre>AssertionError: '用户名和密码不能为空' != '参数不正确' | |
600 | +- 用户名和密码不能为空 | |
601 | ++ 参数不正确 | |
602 | + | |
603 | +</pre> | |
604 | + | |
605 | + | |
606 | + </td> | |
607 | + </tr> | |
608 | + | |
609 | + <tr> | |
610 | + <td>6</td> | |
611 | + <td class="Test01Department">Test01Department</td> | |
612 | + <td>test_add_department_1</td> | |
613 | + <td>新增院系成功</td> | |
614 | + <td>0.254s</td> | |
615 | + | |
616 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
617 | + | |
618 | + <td> | |
619 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
620 | + </td> | |
621 | + </tr> | |
622 | + | |
623 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
624 | + | |
625 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
626 | + | |
627 | + | |
628 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py自动化院系20221220_21:35:15_1', 'code': 'py_code20221220_21:35:15_1'} | |
629 | +预期结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
630 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
631 | +test_add_department_1 (test_02_system_management.Test01Department)执行——>【通过】 | |
632 | +</pre> | |
633 | + | |
634 | + | |
635 | + </td> | |
636 | + </tr> | |
637 | + | |
638 | + <tr> | |
639 | + <td>7</td> | |
640 | + <td class="Test01Department">Test01Department</td> | |
641 | + <td>test_add_department_2</td> | |
642 | + <td>院系名称未填写</td> | |
643 | + <td>0.186s</td> | |
644 | + | |
645 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
646 | + | |
647 | + <td> | |
648 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
649 | + </td> | |
650 | + </tr> | |
651 | + | |
652 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
653 | + | |
654 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
655 | + | |
656 | + | |
657 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': '', 'code': 'py_code20221220_21:35:15_2'} | |
658 | +预期结果: {'msg': '院系名称未填写', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
659 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
660 | +test_add_department_2 (test_02_system_management.Test01Department)执行——>【失败】 | |
661 | +</pre> | |
662 | + | |
663 | + | |
664 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
665 | +</pre> | |
666 | + | |
667 | + | |
668 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
669 | + yield | |
670 | +</pre> | |
671 | + | |
672 | + | |
673 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
674 | + testMethod() | |
675 | +</pre> | |
676 | + | |
677 | + | |
678 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
679 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
680 | +</pre> | |
681 | + | |
682 | + | |
683 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 84, in test_add_department | |
684 | + raise e | |
685 | +</pre> | |
686 | + | |
687 | + | |
688 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 77, in test_add_department | |
689 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
690 | +</pre> | |
691 | + | |
692 | + | |
693 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
694 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
695 | +</pre> | |
696 | + | |
697 | + | |
698 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
699 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
700 | +</pre> | |
701 | + | |
702 | + | |
703 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
704 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
705 | +</pre> | |
706 | + | |
707 | + | |
708 | + <pre>AssertionError: '院系名称未填写' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
709 | +- 院系名称未填写 | |
710 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
711 | + | |
712 | +</pre> | |
713 | + | |
714 | + | |
715 | + </td> | |
716 | + </tr> | |
717 | + | |
718 | + <tr> | |
719 | + <td>8</td> | |
720 | + <td class="Test01Department">Test01Department</td> | |
721 | + <td>test_add_department_3</td> | |
722 | + <td>院系名称重复</td> | |
723 | + <td>0.246s</td> | |
724 | + | |
725 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
726 | + | |
727 | + <td> | |
728 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
729 | + </td> | |
730 | + </tr> | |
731 | + | |
732 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
733 | + | |
734 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
735 | + | |
736 | + | |
737 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': '院系1', 'code': 'py_code20221220_21:35:15_3'} | |
738 | +预期结果: {'msg': '院系名称已存在,请确认', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
739 | +实际结果: {'msg': '院系名称已存在,请确认', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
740 | +test_add_department_3 (test_02_system_management.Test01Department)执行——>【通过】 | |
741 | +</pre> | |
742 | + | |
743 | + | |
744 | + </td> | |
745 | + </tr> | |
746 | + | |
747 | + <tr> | |
748 | + <td>9</td> | |
749 | + <td class="Test01Department">Test01Department</td> | |
750 | + <td>test_add_department_4</td> | |
751 | + <td>院系名称长度不可大于30位</td> | |
752 | + <td>0.225s</td> | |
753 | + | |
754 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
755 | + | |
756 | + <td> | |
757 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
758 | + </td> | |
759 | + </tr> | |
760 | + | |
761 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
762 | + | |
763 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
764 | + | |
765 | + | |
766 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': '院系名称长度大于30的测试院系名称长度大于30的测试院系名称长度大于30的测试院系名称长度大于30的测试', 'code': 'py_code20221220_21:35:16_4'} | |
767 | +预期结果: {'msg': '院系名称长度不可大于30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
768 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
769 | +test_add_department_4 (test_02_system_management.Test01Department)执行——>【失败】 | |
770 | +</pre> | |
771 | + | |
772 | + | |
773 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
774 | +</pre> | |
775 | + | |
776 | + | |
777 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
778 | + yield | |
779 | +</pre> | |
780 | + | |
781 | + | |
782 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
783 | + testMethod() | |
784 | +</pre> | |
785 | + | |
786 | + | |
787 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
788 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
789 | +</pre> | |
790 | + | |
791 | + | |
792 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 84, in test_add_department | |
793 | + raise e | |
794 | +</pre> | |
795 | + | |
796 | + | |
797 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 77, in test_add_department | |
798 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
799 | +</pre> | |
800 | + | |
801 | + | |
802 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
803 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
804 | +</pre> | |
805 | + | |
806 | + | |
807 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
808 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
809 | +</pre> | |
810 | + | |
811 | + | |
812 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
813 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
814 | +</pre> | |
815 | + | |
816 | + | |
817 | + <pre>AssertionError: '院系名称长度不可大于30' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
818 | +- 院系名称长度不可大于30 | |
819 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
820 | + | |
821 | +</pre> | |
822 | + | |
823 | + | |
824 | + </td> | |
825 | + </tr> | |
826 | + | |
827 | + <tr> | |
828 | + <td>10</td> | |
829 | + <td class="Test01Department">Test01Department</td> | |
830 | + <td>test_add_department_5</td> | |
831 | + <td>院系代码不能为空</td> | |
832 | + <td>0.188s</td> | |
833 | + | |
834 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
835 | + | |
836 | + <td> | |
837 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
838 | + </td> | |
839 | + </tr> | |
840 | + | |
841 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
842 | + | |
843 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
844 | + | |
845 | + | |
846 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py自动化院系20221220_21:35:16_5', 'code': ''} | |
847 | +预期结果: {'msg': '院系代码不能为空', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
848 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
849 | +test_add_department_5 (test_02_system_management.Test01Department)执行——>【失败】 | |
850 | +</pre> | |
851 | + | |
852 | + | |
853 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
854 | +</pre> | |
855 | + | |
856 | + | |
857 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
858 | + yield | |
859 | +</pre> | |
860 | + | |
861 | + | |
862 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
863 | + testMethod() | |
864 | +</pre> | |
865 | + | |
866 | + | |
867 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
868 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
869 | +</pre> | |
870 | + | |
871 | + | |
872 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 84, in test_add_department | |
873 | + raise e | |
874 | +</pre> | |
875 | + | |
876 | + | |
877 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 77, in test_add_department | |
878 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
879 | +</pre> | |
880 | + | |
881 | + | |
882 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
883 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
884 | +</pre> | |
885 | + | |
886 | + | |
887 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
888 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
889 | +</pre> | |
890 | + | |
891 | + | |
892 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
893 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
894 | +</pre> | |
895 | + | |
896 | + | |
897 | + <pre>AssertionError: '院系代码不能为空' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
898 | +- 院系代码不能为空 | |
899 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
900 | + | |
901 | +</pre> | |
902 | + | |
903 | + | |
904 | + </td> | |
905 | + </tr> | |
906 | + | |
907 | + <tr> | |
908 | + <td>11</td> | |
909 | + <td class="Test01Department">Test01Department</td> | |
910 | + <td>test_add_department_6</td> | |
911 | + <td>院系代码长度不可大于30</td> | |
912 | + <td>0.204s</td> | |
913 | + | |
914 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
915 | + | |
916 | + <td> | |
917 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
918 | + </td> | |
919 | + </tr> | |
920 | + | |
921 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
922 | + | |
923 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
924 | + | |
925 | + | |
926 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py自动化院系20221220_21:35:16_6', 'code': '院系代码长度大于30的测试院系代码长度大于30的测试院系代码长度大于30的测试'} | |
927 | +预期结果: {'msg': '院系代码不可大于30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
928 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
929 | +test_add_department_6 (test_02_system_management.Test01Department)执行——>【失败】 | |
930 | +</pre> | |
931 | + | |
932 | + | |
933 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
934 | +</pre> | |
935 | + | |
936 | + | |
937 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
938 | + yield | |
939 | +</pre> | |
940 | + | |
941 | + | |
942 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
943 | + testMethod() | |
944 | +</pre> | |
945 | + | |
946 | + | |
947 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
948 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
949 | +</pre> | |
950 | + | |
951 | + | |
952 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 84, in test_add_department | |
953 | + raise e | |
954 | +</pre> | |
955 | + | |
956 | + | |
957 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 77, in test_add_department | |
958 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
959 | +</pre> | |
960 | + | |
961 | + | |
962 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
963 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
964 | +</pre> | |
965 | + | |
966 | + | |
967 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
968 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
969 | +</pre> | |
970 | + | |
971 | + | |
972 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
973 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
974 | +</pre> | |
975 | + | |
976 | + | |
977 | + <pre>AssertionError: '院系代码不可大于30' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
978 | +- 院系代码不可大于30 | |
979 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
980 | + | |
981 | +</pre> | |
982 | + | |
983 | + | |
984 | + </td> | |
985 | + </tr> | |
986 | + | |
987 | + <tr> | |
988 | + <td>12</td> | |
989 | + <td class="Test01Department">Test01Department</td> | |
990 | + <td>test_add_department_7</td> | |
991 | + <td>新增院系成功</td> | |
992 | + <td>0.251s</td> | |
993 | + | |
994 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
995 | + | |
996 | + <td> | |
997 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
998 | + </td> | |
999 | + </tr> | |
1000 | + | |
1001 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1002 | + | |
1003 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1004 | + | |
1005 | + | |
1006 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py自动化院系20221220_21:35:16_7', 'code': 'py_code20221220_21:35:16_7'} | |
1007 | +预期结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1008 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1009 | +test_add_department_7 (test_02_system_management.Test01Department)执行——>【通过】 | |
1010 | +</pre> | |
1011 | + | |
1012 | + | |
1013 | + </td> | |
1014 | + </tr> | |
1015 | + | |
1016 | + <tr> | |
1017 | + <td>13</td> | |
1018 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1019 | + <td>test_add_specialty_01</td> | |
1020 | + <td>新增专业成功</td> | |
1021 | + <td>0.243s</td> | |
1022 | + | |
1023 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
1024 | + | |
1025 | + <td> | |
1026 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1027 | + </td> | |
1028 | + </tr> | |
1029 | + | |
1030 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1031 | + | |
1032 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1033 | + | |
1034 | + | |
1035 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py专业21:35:17_1', 'code': 'py_code21:35:17_1', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': 'science'} | |
1036 | +预期结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1037 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1038 | +test_add_specialty_01 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【通过】 | |
1039 | +</pre> | |
1040 | + | |
1041 | + | |
1042 | + </td> | |
1043 | + </tr> | |
1044 | + | |
1045 | + <tr> | |
1046 | + <td>14</td> | |
1047 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1048 | + <td>test_add_specialty_02</td> | |
1049 | + <td>新增专业失败,院系未填写</td> | |
1050 | + <td>0.234s</td> | |
1051 | + | |
1052 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
1053 | + | |
1054 | + <td> | |
1055 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1056 | + </td> | |
1057 | + </tr> | |
1058 | + | |
1059 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1060 | + | |
1061 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1062 | + | |
1063 | + | |
1064 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py专业21:35:17_2', 'code': 'py_code21:35:17_2', 'departmentId': '', 'category': 'science'} | |
1065 | +预期结果: {'msg': '院系不能为空', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1066 | +实际结果: {'msg': '院系不能为空', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1067 | +test_add_specialty_02 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【通过】 | |
1068 | +</pre> | |
1069 | + | |
1070 | + | |
1071 | + </td> | |
1072 | + </tr> | |
1073 | + | |
1074 | + <tr> | |
1075 | + <td>15</td> | |
1076 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1077 | + <td>test_add_specialty_03</td> | |
1078 | + <td>新增专业失败,院系不存在</td> | |
1079 | + <td>0.229s</td> | |
1080 | + | |
1081 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
1082 | + | |
1083 | + <td> | |
1084 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1085 | + </td> | |
1086 | + </tr> | |
1087 | + | |
1088 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1089 | + | |
1090 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1091 | + | |
1092 | + | |
1093 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py专业21:35:17_3', 'code': 'py_code21:35:17_3', 'departmentId': '1597509163577825282', 'category': 'science'} | |
1094 | +预期结果: {'msg': '院系不存在', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1095 | +实际结果: {'msg': '院系不存在', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1096 | +test_add_specialty_03 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【通过】 | |
1097 | +</pre> | |
1098 | + | |
1099 | + | |
1100 | + </td> | |
1101 | + </tr> | |
1102 | + | |
1103 | + <tr> | |
1104 | + <td>16</td> | |
1105 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1106 | + <td>test_add_specialty_04</td> | |
1107 | + <td>新增专业失败,专业名称未填写</td> | |
1108 | + <td>0.189s</td> | |
1109 | + | |
1110 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
1111 | + | |
1112 | + <td> | |
1113 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1114 | + </td> | |
1115 | + </tr> | |
1116 | + | |
1117 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1118 | + | |
1119 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1120 | + | |
1121 | + | |
1122 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': '', 'code': 'py_code21:35:18_4', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': 'science'} | |
1123 | +预期结果: {'msg': '专业名称未填写', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1124 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1125 | +test_add_specialty_04 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【失败】 | |
1126 | +</pre> | |
1127 | + | |
1128 | + | |
1129 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
1130 | +</pre> | |
1131 | + | |
1132 | + | |
1133 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
1134 | + yield | |
1135 | +</pre> | |
1136 | + | |
1137 | + | |
1138 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
1139 | + testMethod() | |
1140 | +</pre> | |
1141 | + | |
1142 | + | |
1143 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
1144 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
1145 | +</pre> | |
1146 | + | |
1147 | + | |
1148 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 146, in test_add_specialty | |
1149 | + raise e | |
1150 | +</pre> | |
1151 | + | |
1152 | + | |
1153 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 140, in test_add_specialty | |
1154 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
1155 | +</pre> | |
1156 | + | |
1157 | + | |
1158 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
1159 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
1160 | +</pre> | |
1161 | + | |
1162 | + | |
1163 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
1164 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
1165 | +</pre> | |
1166 | + | |
1167 | + | |
1168 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
1169 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
1170 | +</pre> | |
1171 | + | |
1172 | + | |
1173 | + <pre>AssertionError: '专业名称未填写' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
1174 | +- 专业名称未填写 | |
1175 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
1176 | + | |
1177 | +</pre> | |
1178 | + | |
1179 | + | |
1180 | + </td> | |
1181 | + </tr> | |
1182 | + | |
1183 | + <tr> | |
1184 | + <td>17</td> | |
1185 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1186 | + <td>test_add_specialty_05</td> | |
1187 | + <td>新增专业失败,专业名称长度不能大于30</td> | |
1188 | + <td>0.228s</td> | |
1189 | + | |
1190 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
1191 | + | |
1192 | + <td> | |
1193 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1194 | + </td> | |
1195 | + </tr> | |
1196 | + | |
1197 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1198 | + | |
1199 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1200 | + | |
1201 | + | |
1202 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': '专业大于301234567890专业大于301234567890', 'code': 'py_code21:35:18_5', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': 'science'} | |
1203 | +预期结果: {'msg': '专业名称不能大于30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1204 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1205 | +test_add_specialty_05 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【失败】 | |
1206 | +</pre> | |
1207 | + | |
1208 | + | |
1209 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
1210 | +</pre> | |
1211 | + | |
1212 | + | |
1213 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
1214 | + yield | |
1215 | +</pre> | |
1216 | + | |
1217 | + | |
1218 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
1219 | + testMethod() | |
1220 | +</pre> | |
1221 | + | |
1222 | + | |
1223 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
1224 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
1225 | +</pre> | |
1226 | + | |
1227 | + | |
1228 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 146, in test_add_specialty | |
1229 | + raise e | |
1230 | +</pre> | |
1231 | + | |
1232 | + | |
1233 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 140, in test_add_specialty | |
1234 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
1235 | +</pre> | |
1236 | + | |
1237 | + | |
1238 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
1239 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
1240 | +</pre> | |
1241 | + | |
1242 | + | |
1243 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
1244 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
1245 | +</pre> | |
1246 | + | |
1247 | + | |
1248 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
1249 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
1250 | +</pre> | |
1251 | + | |
1252 | + | |
1253 | + <pre>AssertionError: '专业名称不能大于30' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
1254 | +- 专业名称不能大于30 | |
1255 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
1256 | + | |
1257 | +</pre> | |
1258 | + | |
1259 | + | |
1260 | + </td> | |
1261 | + </tr> | |
1262 | + | |
1263 | + <tr> | |
1264 | + <td>18</td> | |
1265 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1266 | + <td>test_add_specialty_06</td> | |
1267 | + <td>新增专业失败,专业名称重复</td> | |
1268 | + <td>0.217s</td> | |
1269 | + | |
1270 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
1271 | + | |
1272 | + <td> | |
1273 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1274 | + </td> | |
1275 | + </tr> | |
1276 | + | |
1277 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1278 | + | |
1279 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1280 | + | |
1281 | + | |
1282 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': '第二个专业-2-1', 'code': 'py_code21:35:18_6', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': 'science'} | |
1283 | +预期结果: {'msg': '专业名称已存在,请确认', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1284 | +实际结果: {'msg': '专业名称已存在,请确认', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1285 | +test_add_specialty_06 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【通过】 | |
1286 | +</pre> | |
1287 | + | |
1288 | + | |
1289 | + </td> | |
1290 | + </tr> | |
1291 | + | |
1292 | + <tr> | |
1293 | + <td>19</td> | |
1294 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1295 | + <td>test_add_specialty_07</td> | |
1296 | + <td>新增专业失败,专业代码未填写</td> | |
1297 | + <td>0.193s</td> | |
1298 | + | |
1299 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
1300 | + | |
1301 | + <td> | |
1302 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1303 | + </td> | |
1304 | + </tr> | |
1305 | + | |
1306 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1307 | + | |
1308 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1309 | + | |
1310 | + | |
1311 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py专业21:35:18_7', 'code': '', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': 'science'} | |
1312 | +预期结果: {'msg': '专业代码不能为空', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1313 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1314 | +test_add_specialty_07 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【失败】 | |
1315 | +</pre> | |
1316 | + | |
1317 | + | |
1318 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
1319 | +</pre> | |
1320 | + | |
1321 | + | |
1322 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
1323 | + yield | |
1324 | +</pre> | |
1325 | + | |
1326 | + | |
1327 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
1328 | + testMethod() | |
1329 | +</pre> | |
1330 | + | |
1331 | + | |
1332 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
1333 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
1334 | +</pre> | |
1335 | + | |
1336 | + | |
1337 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 146, in test_add_specialty | |
1338 | + raise e | |
1339 | +</pre> | |
1340 | + | |
1341 | + | |
1342 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 140, in test_add_specialty | |
1343 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
1344 | +</pre> | |
1345 | + | |
1346 | + | |
1347 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
1348 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
1349 | +</pre> | |
1350 | + | |
1351 | + | |
1352 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
1353 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
1354 | +</pre> | |
1355 | + | |
1356 | + | |
1357 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
1358 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
1359 | +</pre> | |
1360 | + | |
1361 | + | |
1362 | + <pre>AssertionError: '专业代码不能为空' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
1363 | +- 专业代码不能为空 | |
1364 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
1365 | + | |
1366 | +</pre> | |
1367 | + | |
1368 | + | |
1369 | + </td> | |
1370 | + </tr> | |
1371 | + | |
1372 | + <tr> | |
1373 | + <td>20</td> | |
1374 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1375 | + <td>test_add_specialty_08</td> | |
1376 | + <td>新增专业失败,专业代码长度不能大于30</td> | |
1377 | + <td>0.223s</td> | |
1378 | + | |
1379 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
1380 | + | |
1381 | + <td> | |
1382 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1383 | + </td> | |
1384 | + </tr> | |
1385 | + | |
1386 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1387 | + | |
1388 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1389 | + | |
1390 | + | |
1391 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py专业21:35:18_8', 'code': '专业代码大于301234567890专业大于301234567890', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': 'science'} | |
1392 | +预期结果: {'msg': '专业代码不能大于30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1393 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'size must be between 1 and 30', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1394 | +test_add_specialty_08 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【失败】 | |
1395 | +</pre> | |
1396 | + | |
1397 | + | |
1398 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
1399 | +</pre> | |
1400 | + | |
1401 | + | |
1402 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
1403 | + yield | |
1404 | +</pre> | |
1405 | + | |
1406 | + | |
1407 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
1408 | + testMethod() | |
1409 | +</pre> | |
1410 | + | |
1411 | + | |
1412 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
1413 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
1414 | +</pre> | |
1415 | + | |
1416 | + | |
1417 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 146, in test_add_specialty | |
1418 | + raise e | |
1419 | +</pre> | |
1420 | + | |
1421 | + | |
1422 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 140, in test_add_specialty | |
1423 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
1424 | +</pre> | |
1425 | + | |
1426 | + | |
1427 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
1428 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
1429 | +</pre> | |
1430 | + | |
1431 | + | |
1432 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
1433 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
1434 | +</pre> | |
1435 | + | |
1436 | + | |
1437 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
1438 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
1439 | +</pre> | |
1440 | + | |
1441 | + | |
1442 | + <pre>AssertionError: '专业代码不能大于30' != 'size must be between 1 and 30' | |
1443 | +- 专业代码不能大于30 | |
1444 | ++ size must be between 1 and 30 | |
1445 | + | |
1446 | +</pre> | |
1447 | + | |
1448 | + | |
1449 | + </td> | |
1450 | + </tr> | |
1451 | + | |
1452 | + <tr> | |
1453 | + <td>21</td> | |
1454 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1455 | + <td>test_add_specialty_09</td> | |
1456 | + <td>新增专业失败,学科门类未填写</td> | |
1457 | + <td>0.222s</td> | |
1458 | + | |
1459 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
1460 | + | |
1461 | + <td> | |
1462 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1463 | + </td> | |
1464 | + </tr> | |
1465 | + | |
1466 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1467 | + | |
1468 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1469 | + | |
1470 | + | |
1471 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py专业21:35:19_9', 'code': 'py_code21:35:19_9', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': ''} | |
1472 | +预期结果: {'msg': '学科门类不能为空', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1473 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1474 | +test_add_specialty_09 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【失败】 | |
1475 | +</pre> | |
1476 | + | |
1477 | + | |
1478 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
1479 | +</pre> | |
1480 | + | |
1481 | + | |
1482 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
1483 | + yield | |
1484 | +</pre> | |
1485 | + | |
1486 | + | |
1487 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
1488 | + testMethod() | |
1489 | +</pre> | |
1490 | + | |
1491 | + | |
1492 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
1493 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
1494 | +</pre> | |
1495 | + | |
1496 | + | |
1497 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 146, in test_add_specialty | |
1498 | + raise e | |
1499 | +</pre> | |
1500 | + | |
1501 | + | |
1502 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 140, in test_add_specialty | |
1503 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
1504 | +</pre> | |
1505 | + | |
1506 | + | |
1507 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
1508 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
1509 | +</pre> | |
1510 | + | |
1511 | + | |
1512 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
1513 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
1514 | +</pre> | |
1515 | + | |
1516 | + | |
1517 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
1518 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
1519 | +</pre> | |
1520 | + | |
1521 | + | |
1522 | + <pre>AssertionError: '学科门类不能为空' != 'success' | |
1523 | +- 学科门类不能为空 | |
1524 | ++ success | |
1525 | + | |
1526 | +</pre> | |
1527 | + | |
1528 | + | |
1529 | + </td> | |
1530 | + </tr> | |
1531 | + | |
1532 | + <tr> | |
1533 | + <td>22</td> | |
1534 | + <td class="Test02Specialty">Test02Specialty</td> | |
1535 | + <td>test_add_specialty_10</td> | |
1536 | + <td>新增专业失败,学科门类填写错误</td> | |
1537 | + <td>0.243s</td> | |
1538 | + | |
1539 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
1540 | + | |
1541 | + <td> | |
1542 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1543 | + </td> | |
1544 | + </tr> | |
1545 | + | |
1546 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1547 | + | |
1548 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1549 | + | |
1550 | + | |
1551 | + <pre>用例入参:{'name': 'py专业21:35:19_10', 'code': 'py_code21:35:19_10', 'departmentId': '1597509063577825282', 'category': 'scienwce'} | |
1552 | +预期结果: {'msg': '学科门类不存在', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1553 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1554 | +test_add_specialty_10 (test_02_system_management.Test02Specialty)执行——>【失败】 | |
1555 | +</pre> | |
1556 | + | |
1557 | + | |
1558 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
1559 | +</pre> | |
1560 | + | |
1561 | + | |
1562 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
1563 | + yield | |
1564 | +</pre> | |
1565 | + | |
1566 | + | |
1567 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
1568 | + testMethod() | |
1569 | +</pre> | |
1570 | + | |
1571 | + | |
1572 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
1573 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
1574 | +</pre> | |
1575 | + | |
1576 | + | |
1577 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 146, in test_add_specialty | |
1578 | + raise e | |
1579 | +</pre> | |
1580 | + | |
1581 | + | |
1582 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 140, in test_add_specialty | |
1583 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
1584 | +</pre> | |
1585 | + | |
1586 | + | |
1587 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
1588 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
1589 | +</pre> | |
1590 | + | |
1591 | + | |
1592 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
1593 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
1594 | +</pre> | |
1595 | + | |
1596 | + | |
1597 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
1598 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
1599 | +</pre> | |
1600 | + | |
1601 | + | |
1602 | + <pre>AssertionError: '学科门类不存在' != 'success' | |
1603 | +- 学科门类不存在 | |
1604 | ++ success | |
1605 | + | |
1606 | +</pre> | |
1607 | + | |
1608 | + | |
1609 | + </td> | |
1610 | + </tr> | |
1611 | + | |
1612 | + <tr> | |
1613 | + <td>23</td> | |
1614 | + <td class="Test03Year">Test03Year</td> | |
1615 | + <td>test_add_year_1</td> | |
1616 | + <td>新增学年学期成功</td> | |
1617 | + <td>0.219s</td> | |
1618 | + | |
1619 | + <td class="text-success">成功</td> | |
1620 | + | |
1621 | + <td> | |
1622 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1623 | + </td> | |
1624 | + </tr> | |
1625 | + | |
1626 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1627 | + | |
1628 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1629 | + | |
1630 | + | |
1631 | + <pre>用例入参:{'year': 'py学年21:35:20_1', 'remark': 'py_comment备注21:35:20_1', 'terms': [{'sort': 1, 'startTime': 1667376499000, 'endTime': 1704115459000}]} | |
1632 | +预期结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1633 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1634 | +test_add_year_1 (test_02_system_management.Test03Year)执行——>【通过】 | |
1635 | +</pre> | |
1636 | + | |
1637 | + | |
1638 | + </td> | |
1639 | + </tr> | |
1640 | + | |
1641 | + <tr> | |
1642 | + <td>24</td> | |
1643 | + <td class="Test03Year">Test03Year</td> | |
1644 | + <td>test_add_year_2</td> | |
1645 | + <td>学年学期开始时间和结束时间不可交叉</td> | |
1646 | + <td>0.227s</td> | |
1647 | + | |
1648 | + <td class="text-warning">失败</td> | |
1649 | + | |
1650 | + <td> | |
1651 | + <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_info">查看详情</button> | |
1652 | + </td> | |
1653 | + </tr> | |
1654 | + | |
1655 | + <tr class="test_log"> | |
1656 | + | |
1657 | + <td colspan="7" class="small text-muted" style=" word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all"> | |
1658 | + | |
1659 | + | |
1660 | + <pre>用例入参:{'year': 'py学年21:35:20_2', 'remark': 'py_comment备注21:35:20_2', 'terms': [{'sort': 1, 'startTime': 1667376499000, 'endTime': 1704115459000}, {'sort': 2, 'startTime': 1667376499000, 'endTime': 1704115459000}]} | |
1661 | +预期结果: {'msg': '学期起止时间不能交叉', 'code': 500, 'data': None} | |
1662 | +实际结果: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 200, 'data': True} | |
1663 | +test_add_year_2 (test_02_system_management.Test03Year)执行——>【失败】 | |
1664 | +</pre> | |
1665 | + | |
1666 | + | |
1667 | + <pre>Traceback (most recent call last): | |
1668 | +</pre> | |
1669 | + | |
1670 | + | |
1671 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor | |
1672 | + yield | |
1673 | +</pre> | |
1674 | + | |
1675 | + | |
1676 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 615, in run | |
1677 | + testMethod() | |
1678 | +</pre> | |
1679 | + | |
1680 | + | |
1681 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/common/myddt.py", line 145, in wrapper | |
1682 | + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) | |
1683 | +</pre> | |
1684 | + | |
1685 | + | |
1686 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 205, in test_add_year | |
1687 | + raise e | |
1688 | +</pre> | |
1689 | + | |
1690 | + | |
1691 | + <pre> File "/Users/shitou/工作/code/work/workAi/yxly/testcase/test_02_system_management.py", line 199, in test_add_year | |
1692 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
1693 | +</pre> | |
1694 | + | |
1695 | + | |
1696 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 839, in assertEqual | |
1697 | + assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) | |
1698 | +</pre> | |
1699 | + | |
1700 | + | |
1701 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 1220, in assertMultiLineEqual | |
1702 | + self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)) | |
1703 | +</pre> | |
1704 | + | |
1705 | + | |
1706 | + <pre> File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/case.py", line 680, in fail | |
1707 | + raise self.failureException(msg) | |
1708 | +</pre> | |
1709 | + | |
1710 | + | |
1711 | + <pre>AssertionError: '学期起止时间不能交叉' != 'success' | |
1712 | +- 学期起止时间不能交叉 | |
1713 | ++ success | |
1714 | + | |
1715 | +</pre> | |
1716 | + | |
1717 | + | |
1718 | + </td> | |
1719 | + </tr> | |
1720 | + | |
1721 | + | |
1722 | + </tbody> | |
1723 | + </table> | |
1724 | + </div> | |
1725 | + | |
1726 | + <div style="height: 200px"></div> | |
1727 | +</div> | |
1728 | + | |
1729 | + | |
1730 | +<script> | |
1731 | + var tbodyTr = $('tbody tr'); | |
1732 | + var testResult = $("#testResult"); | |
1733 | + var testClass = $("#testClass"); | |
1734 | + <!-- 用例执行详细信息显示切换--> | |
1735 | + $(".btn_info").click(function () { | |
1736 | + $(this).parent().parent().next().toggle(); | |
1737 | + | |
1738 | + }); | |
1739 | + // 当选择用例类之后触发 | |
1740 | + testClass.change(function () { | |
1741 | + var cls = $(this).val(); | |
1742 | + var res = testResult.val(); | |
1743 | + elementDisplay(cls, res); | |
1744 | + sort() | |
1745 | + }); | |
1746 | + testResult.change(function () { | |
1747 | + var res = $(this).val(); | |
1748 | + var cls = testClass.val(); | |
1749 | + elementDisplay(cls, res); | |
1750 | + sort() | |
1751 | + }); | |
1752 | + | |
1753 | + function elementDisplay(cls, res) { | |
1754 | + // 用例数据的显示 | |
1755 | + if (cls === "所有") { | |
1756 | + if (res === "所有") { | |
1757 | + tbodyTr.has('button').show(); | |
1758 | + } else if (res === '成功') { | |
1759 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1760 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.text-success').show() | |
1761 | + | |
1762 | + } else if (res === '失败') { | |
1763 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1764 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.text-warning').show() | |
1765 | + | |
1766 | + } else if (res === '错误') { | |
1767 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1768 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.text-danger').show() | |
1769 | + | |
1770 | + } else if (res === '跳过') { | |
1771 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1772 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.text-info').show() | |
1773 | + } | |
1774 | + } else { | |
1775 | + if (res === "所有") { | |
1776 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1777 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.' + cls + '').show() | |
1778 | + } else if (res === '成功') { | |
1779 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1780 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.' + cls + '').has('.text-success').show() | |
1781 | + } else if (res === '失败') { | |
1782 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1783 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.' + cls + '').has('.text-warning').show() | |
1784 | + } else if (res === '错误') { | |
1785 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1786 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.' + cls + '').has('.text-danger').show() | |
1787 | + } else if (res === '跳过') { | |
1788 | + tbodyTr.hide(); | |
1789 | + tbodyTr.has('button').has('.' + cls + '').has('.text-info').show() | |
1790 | + } | |
1791 | + } | |
1792 | + } | |
1793 | + | |
1794 | + function sort() { | |
1795 | + //重新排列显示序号 | |
1796 | + // 选择所有可以见的tr | |
1797 | + var visibleTr = tbodyTr.filter(":visible"); | |
1798 | + | |
1799 | + visibleTr.each(function (index, element) { | |
1800 | + element.firstElementChild.innerHTML = index + 1; | |
1801 | + | |
1802 | + }) | |
1803 | + | |
1804 | + } | |
1805 | + | |
1806 | + | |
1807 | +</script> | |
1808 | + | |
1809 | +<script type="text/javascript"> | |
1810 | + // 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例 | |
1811 | + var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('char')); | |
1812 | + var myChart2 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('char2')); | |
1813 | + // 指定图表的配置项和数据 | |
1814 | + option = { | |
1815 | + color: ['#00a10a', '#ddb518', 'rgba(204,46,41,0.73)', '#85898c'], | |
1816 | + tooltip: { | |
1817 | + trigger: 'item', | |
1818 | + formatter: '{a} <br/>{b}: {c} ({d}%)' | |
1819 | + }, | |
1820 | + legend: { | |
1821 | + orient: 'vertical', | |
1822 | + left: 10, | |
1823 | + data: ['通过', '失败', '错误', '跳过'] | |
1824 | + }, | |
1825 | + series: [ | |
1826 | + { | |
1827 | + name: '测试结果', | |
1828 | + type: 'pie', | |
1829 | + radius: ['50%', '70%'], | |
1830 | + avoidLabelOverlap: false, | |
1831 | + label: { | |
1832 | + show: false, | |
1833 | + position: 'center' | |
1834 | + }, | |
1835 | + emphasis: { | |
1836 | + label: { | |
1837 | + show: true, | |
1838 | + fontSize: '30', | |
1839 | + fontWeight: 'bold' | |
1840 | + } | |
1841 | + }, | |
1842 | + labelLine: { | |
1843 | + show: false | |
1844 | + }, | |
1845 | + data: [ | |
1846 | + {value: 9, name: '通过'}, | |
1847 | + {value: 15, name: '失败'}, | |
1848 | + {value: 0, name: '错误'}, | |
1849 | + {value: 0, name: '跳过'} | |
1850 | + ] | |
1851 | + } | |
1852 | + ] | |
1853 | + }; | |
1854 | + option2 = { | |
1855 | + tooltip: { | |
1856 | + formatter: '{a} <br/>{b} : {c}%' | |
1857 | + }, | |
1858 | + toolbox: { | |
1859 | + feature: { | |
1860 | + restore: {}, | |
1861 | + saveAsImage: {} | |
1862 | + } | |
1863 | + }, | |
1864 | + series: [ | |
1865 | + { | |
1866 | + name: '测试结果', | |
1867 | + type: 'gauge', | |
1868 | + detail: {formatter: '37.50%'}, | |
1869 | + data: [{value: '37.50', name: '用例通过率'}], | |
1870 | + axisLine: { | |
1871 | + lineStyle: { | |
1872 | + color: [ | |
1873 | + [0.2, '#c20000'], | |
1874 | + [0.8, '#ddb518'], | |
1875 | + [1, '#00a10a']] | |
1876 | + } | |
1877 | + } | |
1878 | + } | |
1879 | + ] | |
1880 | + }; | |
1881 | + | |
1882 | + | |
1883 | + myChart2.setOption(option2); | |
1884 | + // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 | |
1885 | + myChart.setOption(option); | |
1886 | +</script> | |
1887 | + | |
1888 | + | |
1889 | +</body> | |
1890 | +</html> | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/8 21:52 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: run.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | + | |
8 | +import unittest | |
9 | +from unittestreport import TestRunner | |
10 | +from common.handle_path import TestCase_Path, Report_Path | |
11 | +from common.handle_config import conf | |
12 | + | |
13 | +# 创建测试套件 | |
14 | +suite = unittest.TestSuite() | |
15 | +# 加载用例 | |
16 | +# ---创建加载器 | |
17 | +load = unittest.TestLoader() | |
18 | +# ---用例放到加载器 | |
19 | +suite.addTest(load.discover(TestCase_Path)) | |
20 | + | |
21 | +# 运行 | |
22 | +runner = TestRunner(suite=suite, | |
23 | + filename=conf.get("report", "filename"), | |
24 | + report_dir=Report_Path, | |
25 | + title=conf.get("report", "title"), | |
26 | + tester=conf.get("report", "tester"), | |
27 | + desc=conf.get("report", "desc"), | |
28 | + templates=conf.getint("report", "templates") | |
29 | + ) | |
30 | +runner.run() | |
31 | +# 执行失败重新运行机制 | |
32 | +# runner.rerun_run(count=2, interval=3) | |
33 | +""" | |
34 | +发送邮件 | |
35 | +""" | |
36 | +# QQ邮箱SMTP服务器地址为“smtp.qq.com” | |
37 | +# 163邮箱smtp.163.com 465 | |
38 | +# 阿里云smtp.qiye.aliyun.com 465 | |
39 | +runner.send_email(host="smtp.qiye.aliyun.com", | |
40 | + port=465, | |
41 | + user="shishut@workai.com.cn", | |
42 | + password="mKh50p89DqvqJ7pd", | |
43 | + to_addrs=["1171621168@qq.com", "1109927930@qq.com", "shishut@workai.com.cn"] | |
44 | + ) | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/8 21:53 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: test_login.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | +""" | |
8 | +优秀学乐业----登陆测试用例 | |
9 | +""" | |
10 | +import json | |
11 | +import os | |
12 | +import unittest | |
13 | +import requests | |
14 | +from common import myddt | |
15 | +from common.handle_excel import Excel | |
16 | +from common.handle_log import HandleLog | |
17 | +from common.handle_path import DataExcel_Path | |
18 | +from jsonpath import jsonpath | |
19 | +from common.handle_config import conf | |
20 | + | |
21 | +headers = { | |
22 | + "Authorization": "Basic" + " d29ya2FpOjEyMzQ1Ng==" | |
23 | +} | |
24 | + | |
25 | + | |
26 | +@myddt.ddt | |
27 | +class TestLogin(unittest.TestCase): | |
28 | + open_excel = Excel(os.path.join(DataExcel_Path, "test_01_login.xlsx"), "login") | |
29 | + test_case = open_excel.read_excel() | |
30 | + | |
31 | + @myddt.data(*test_case) | |
32 | + def test_login(self, case): | |
33 | + | |
34 | + # 准备数据 | |
35 | + data = eval(case['data']) | |
36 | + expected = json.loads(case['expected']) | |
37 | + # 请求接口 | |
38 | + url = conf.get("url", "url_ip") + case['url'] | |
39 | + method = case['method'] | |
40 | + # req = requests.request(method=method, url=url, json=data, headers=headers) | |
41 | + req = requests.post(url=url, json=data, headers=headers) | |
42 | + res = req.json() | |
43 | + # 将数据在测试报告中进行展示 | |
44 | + print("用例入参:{}".format(data)) | |
45 | + print("预期结果:{}".format(expected)) | |
46 | + print("实际结果:{}".format(res)) | |
47 | + # 断言 | |
48 | + try: | |
49 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
50 | + self.assertEqual(expected['code'], res['code']) | |
51 | + except AssertionError as e: | |
52 | + # 结果写入到excel中 | |
53 | + self.open_excel.write_excel(row=case['id'] + 1, column=7, value="不通过") | |
54 | + HandleLog.log.error("用例标题{},不通过".format(case['title'])) | |
55 | + # 将异常信息输出到日志,等级为Error | |
56 | + HandleLog.log.exception(e) | |
57 | + raise e | |
58 | + else: | |
59 | + # 结果写入到excel中 | |
60 | + self.open_excel.write_excel(row=case['id'] + 1, column=7, value="通过") | |
61 | + HandleLog.log.error("用例标题{},通过".format(case['title'])) | |
62 | + | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/8 23:53 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: test_02_department.xlsx.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | + | |
8 | +""" | |
9 | +系统管理菜单用例 | |
10 | +""" | |
11 | +import json | |
12 | +import os | |
13 | +import unittest | |
14 | +import requests | |
15 | +import time | |
16 | +from common import myddt | |
17 | +from common.handle_excel import Excel | |
18 | +from common.handle_log import HandleLog | |
19 | +from common.handle_path import DataExcel_Path | |
20 | +from common.handle_config import conf | |
21 | +from tools.handle_token import LoginToken | |
22 | + | |
23 | + | |
24 | +# 系统管理相关的用例目录 | |
25 | +System_path = os.path.join(DataExcel_Path, "system") | |
26 | + | |
27 | + | |
28 | +# 院系相关的用例 | |
29 | +@myddt.ddt | |
30 | +class Test01Department(unittest.TestCase): | |
31 | + """院系""" | |
32 | + | |
33 | + open_excel = Excel(os.path.join(System_path, "test_02_department.xlsx"), "add_department") | |
34 | + test_case = open_excel.read_excel() | |
35 | + | |
36 | + @classmethod | |
37 | + def setUpClass(cls): | |
38 | + """ | |
39 | + 用例类执行前执行的函数 | |
40 | + :return:token | |
41 | + """ | |
42 | + # 获取token | |
43 | + cls.token = LoginToken.login_token() | |
44 | + | |
45 | + def setUp(self): | |
46 | + """单条用例执行前执行的函数""" | |
47 | + new_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S") | |
48 | + # 随机院系名称 | |
49 | + self.department_name = "py自动化院系" + new_time | |
50 | + # 随机院系代码 | |
51 | + self.department_code = "py_code" + new_time | |
52 | + | |
53 | + @myddt.data(*test_case) | |
54 | + def test_add_department(self, case): | |
55 | + """新增院系""" | |
56 | + url = conf.get("url", "url_ip") + case['url'] | |
57 | + # 准备数据 | |
58 | + # -----写入数据 | |
59 | + if "#department#" in case["data"]: | |
60 | + case["data"] = case["data"].replace("#department#", self.department_name + "_" + str(case["id"])) | |
61 | + if "#department_code#" in case["data"]: | |
62 | + case["data"] = case["data"].replace("#department_code#", self.department_code + "_" + str(case["id"])) | |
63 | + data = json.loads(case['data']) | |
64 | + # -----预期结果 | |
65 | + expected = json.loads(case['expected']) | |
66 | + # 调用接口 | |
67 | + # 请求头 | |
68 | + headers = {} | |
69 | + headers["Authorization"] = self.token | |
70 | + response = requests.request(method=case["method"], url=url, json=data, headers=headers) | |
71 | + res = response.json() | |
72 | + print("用例入参:{}".format(data)) | |
73 | + print("预期结果:", expected) | |
74 | + print("实际结果:", res) | |
75 | + # 断言 | |
76 | + try: | |
77 | + self.assertEqual(expected['msg'], res['msg']) | |
78 | + self.assertEqual(expected['code'], res['code']) | |
79 | + except AssertionError as e: | |
80 | + # 写入Excel | |
81 | + self.open_excel.write_excel(row=case["id"] + 1, column=7, value="不通过") | |
82 | + HandleLog.log.error("用例标题{},不通过".format(case['title'])) | |
83 | + HandleLog.log.exception(e) | |
84 | + raise e | |
85 | + else: | |
86 | + self.open_excel.write_excel(row=case["id"] + 1, column=7, value="通过") | |
87 | + # 将创建使用的数据写入到excel表格中 | |
88 | + self.open_excel.write_excel(row=case["id"] + 1, column=9, | |
89 | + value=case["data"]) | |
90 | + HandleLog.log.info("用例{},执行通过".format(case["title"])) | |
91 | + | |
92 | + | |
93 | +# 专业相关的用例 | |
94 | +@myddt.ddt | |
95 | +class Test02Specialty(unittest.TestCase): | |
96 | + """专业相关的用例""" | |
97 | + open_speciality_excel = Excel(os.path.join(System_path, "test_03_specialty.xlsx"), "add_specialty") | |
98 | + test_data = open_speciality_excel.read_excel() | |
99 | + | |
100 | + @classmethod | |
101 | + def setUpClass(cls): | |
102 | + """ | |
103 | + :return: token | |
104 | + """ | |
105 | + # 获取token | |
106 | + cls.token = LoginToken.login_token() | |
107 | + | |
108 | + def setUp(self): | |
109 | + """单条用例执行前执行的函数""" | |
110 | + new_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") | |
111 | + # 随机专业名称 | |
112 | + self.specialty_name = "py专业" + new_time | |
113 | + # 随机专业代码 | |
114 | + self.specialty_code = "py_code" + new_time | |
115 | + | |
116 | + @myddt.data(*test_data) | |
117 | + def test_add_specialty(self, case): | |
118 | + """新增专业""" | |
119 | + # 准备数据 | |
120 | + # --写入数据 | |
121 | + if "#specialty_name#" in case["data"]: | |
122 | + case["data"] = case["data"].replace("#specialty_name#", self.specialty_name + "_" + str(case["id"])) | |
123 | + if "#specialty_code#" in case["data"]: | |
124 | + case["data"] = case["data"].replace("#specialty_code#", self.specialty_code + "_" + str(case["id"])) | |
125 | + data = json.loads(case["data"]) | |
126 | + # --预期结果 | |
127 | + expected = json.loads(case["expected"]) | |
128 | + # 调用接口 | |
129 | + url = conf.get("url", "url_ip") + case["url"] | |
130 | + | |
131 | + headers = {} | |
132 | + headers["Authorization"] = self.token | |
133 | + req = requests.request(method=case["method"], url=url, json=data, headers=headers) | |
134 | + res = req.json() | |
135 | + print("用例入参:{}".format(data)) | |
136 | + print("预期结果:", expected) | |
137 | + print("实际结果:", res) | |
138 | + # 断言 | |
139 | + try: | |
140 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
141 | + self.assertEqual(expected["code"], res["code"]) | |
142 | + except AssertionError as e: | |
143 | + self.open_speciality_excel.write_excel(row=case["id"] + 1, column=7, value="不通过") | |
144 | + HandleLog.log.error("用例标题{},不通过".format(case['title'])) | |
145 | + HandleLog.log.exception(e) | |
146 | + raise e | |
147 | + else: | |
148 | + self.open_speciality_excel.write_excel(row=case["id"] + 1, column=7, value="通过") | |
149 | + HandleLog.log.info("用例{},执行通过".format(case["title"])) | |
150 | + | |
151 | + | |
152 | +# 校历(学年学期)相关的用例---2022 12.15 | |
153 | +@myddt.ddt | |
154 | +class Test03Year(unittest.TestCase): | |
155 | + """校历相关的用例""" | |
156 | + open_year_excel = Excel(os.path.join(System_path, "test_04_term.xlsx"), "add_term") | |
157 | + test_data = open_year_excel.read_excel() | |
158 | + | |
159 | + @classmethod | |
160 | + def setUpClass(cls): | |
161 | + """ | |
162 | + :return: token | |
163 | + """ | |
164 | + # 获取token | |
165 | + cls.token = LoginToken.login_token() | |
166 | + | |
167 | + def setUp(self): | |
168 | + """单条用例执行前执行的函数""" | |
169 | + new_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") | |
170 | + # 随机学年名称 | |
171 | + self.year_name = "py学年" + new_time | |
172 | + # 随机学年备注 | |
173 | + self.year_comment = "py_comment备注" + new_time | |
174 | + | |
175 | + @myddt.data(*test_data) | |
176 | + def test_add_year(self, case): | |
177 | + """新增专业""" | |
178 | + # 准备数据 | |
179 | + # --写入数据 | |
180 | + if "#year#" in case["data"]: | |
181 | + case["data"] = case["data"].replace("#year#", self.year_name + "_" + str(case["id"])) | |
182 | + if "#remark#" in case["data"]: | |
183 | + case["data"] = case["data"].replace("#remark#", self.year_comment + "_" + str(case["id"])) | |
184 | + data = json.loads(case["data"]) | |
185 | + # --预期结果 | |
186 | + expected = json.loads(case["expected"]) | |
187 | + # 调用接口 | |
188 | + url = conf.get("url", "url_ip") + case["url"] | |
189 | + | |
190 | + headers = {} | |
191 | + headers["Authorization"] = self.token | |
192 | + req = requests.request(method=case["method"], url=url, json=data, headers=headers) | |
193 | + res = req.json() | |
194 | + print("用例入参:{}".format(data)) | |
195 | + print("预期结果:", expected) | |
196 | + print("实际结果:", res) | |
197 | + # 断言 | |
198 | + try: | |
199 | + self.assertEqual(expected["msg"], res["msg"]) | |
200 | + self.assertEqual(expected["code"], res["code"]) | |
201 | + except AssertionError as e: | |
202 | + self.open_year_excel.write_excel(row=case["id"] + 1, column=7, value="不通过") | |
203 | + HandleLog.log.error("用例标题{},不通过".format(case['title'])) | |
204 | + HandleLog.log.exception(e) | |
205 | + raise e | |
206 | + else: | |
207 | + self.open_year_excel.write_excel(row=case["id"] + 1, column=7, value="通过") | |
208 | + HandleLog.log.info("用例{},执行通过".format(case["title"])) | ... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
2 | +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
3 | +# @Time : 2022/12/15 22:55 | |
4 | +# @Author : Shitou | |
5 | +# @FileName: handle_token.py | |
6 | +# @Software: PyCharm | |
7 | + | |
8 | +""" | |
9 | +登陆获取token | |
10 | +""" | |
11 | +import requests | |
12 | +from common.handle_config import conf | |
13 | +from jsonpath import jsonpath | |
14 | + | |
15 | + | |
16 | +class LoginToken: | |
17 | + def login_token(): | |
18 | + # 登陆获取token | |
19 | + login_url = conf.get("url", "url_ip") + "/auth/v1/login" | |
20 | + headers = eval(conf.get('url', 'login_token')) | |
21 | + params = { | |
22 | + "way": conf.get('user_data', 'way'), | |
23 | + "password": conf.get('user_data', 'userpassword'), | |
24 | + "type": conf.get('user_data', 'type'), | |
25 | + "username": conf.get('user_data', 'username'), | |
26 | + } | |
27 | + response = requests.request(url=login_url, method="post", json=params, headers=headers) | |
28 | + res = response.json() | |
29 | + # 获取token | |
30 | + token = "Bearer" + " " + jsonpath(res, "$..access_token")[0] | |
31 | + return token | |
32 | + | |
33 | + | |
34 | +if __name__ == '__main__': | |
35 | + LoginToken.login_token() | ... | ... |