2 个修改的文件
350 行增加
347 行删除
1 | 1 | <!--pages/main/addtionalreduce/childreneducate/childreneducate.wxml--> |
2 | 2 | <import src="../../../common/picker_cell" /> |
3 | 3 | |
4 | -<view style='width:100%;height:100%;background:#FCFCFC;'> | |
5 | - <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:column;margin-bottom:140rpx;'> | |
6 | - <image class='openmodal_img' src="/images/openmodal_img.png" bindtap='showModalImg'></image> | |
4 | + <view style='width:100%;height:100%;'> | |
5 | + <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:column;margin-bottom:140rpx;'> | |
6 | + <image class='openmodal_img' src="/images/openmodal_img.png" bindtap='showModalImg'></image> | |
7 | 7 | |
8 | - <view style='height:100rpx;padding:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' wx:if="{{cur_status=='children_education'||cur_status=='house_fund'}}"> | |
9 | - <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>扣除方式</text> | |
10 | - <text class='text_999_30 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>月度</text> | |
11 | - </view> | |
12 | - <view style='height:100rpx;padding:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' wx:if="{{cur_status=='medical_fund'}}"> | |
13 | - <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>扣除方式</text> | |
14 | - <text class='text_999_30 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>年度</text> | |
15 | - </view> | |
16 | - <!-- 12.22 更新为不可选择(去掉点击事件) --> | |
17 | - <!-- <view style='height:100rpx;padding:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' bindtap='showModalReducetype' wx:elif="{{cur_status!='continuing_education'&&cur_status!='support_duty'}}"> | |
8 | + <view style='height:100rpx;padding:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' wx:if="{{cur_status=='children_education'||cur_status=='house_fund'}}"> | |
9 | + <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>扣除方式</text> | |
10 | + <text class='text_999_30 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>月度</text> | |
11 | + </view> | |
12 | + <view style='height:100rpx;padding:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' wx:if="{{cur_status=='medical_fund'}}"> | |
13 | + <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>扣除方式</text> | |
14 | + <text class='text_999_30 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>年度</text> | |
15 | + </view> | |
16 | + <!-- 12.22 更新为不可选择(去掉点击事件) --> | |
17 | + <!-- <view style='height:100rpx;padding:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' bindtap='showModalReducetype' wx:elif="{{cur_status!='continuing_education'&&cur_status!='support_duty'}}"> | |
18 | 18 | <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>扣除方式</text> |
19 | 19 | <image class='arrow_img float_right' style='margin-top:28rpx' src="/images/arrow_right.png"></image> |
20 | 20 | <text class='text_999_30 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>{{reducetypeData[selected_reduceindex]}}</text> |
21 | 21 | </view> --> |
22 | - <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='support_duty'}}" style='padding-right:30rpx;background:#FFF'> | |
23 | - <template is="picker_cell_normal" data="{{...issinglechildData}}" /> | |
22 | + <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='support_duty'}}" style='padding-right:30rpx;background:#FFF'> | |
23 | + <template is="picker_cell_normal" data="{{...issinglechildData}}" /> | |
24 | 24 | |
25 | - <view wx:if="{{issinglechildData.selected=='否'}}"> | |
26 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
27 | - <template is="picker_cell_normal" data="{{...shareMethodData}}" /> | |
28 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
29 | - <view style='height:90rpx'> | |
30 | - <text style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #333;margin-left:26rpx'>本年度月扣除金额</text> | |
31 | - <text class='float_right' style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #333;margin-left:20rpx' name='country'>/月</text> | |
32 | - <input class='input_wrap float_right' placeholder-class='text_999_30 float_right' style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align: right' placeholder='请输入(不超过1000)' type='digit' name='reduce_amount' bindinput='bindinput' disabled='{{input_disable}}' value='{{reduce_amount>=0?reduce_amount:""}}'></input> | |
25 | + <view wx:if="{{issinglechildData.selected=='否'}}"> | |
26 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
27 | + <template is="picker_cell_normal" data="{{...shareMethodData}}" /> | |
28 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
29 | + <view style='height:90rpx'> | |
30 | + <text style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #333;margin-left:26rpx'>本年度月扣除金额</text> | |
31 | + <text class='float_right' style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #333;margin-left:20rpx' name='country'>/月</text> | |
32 | + <input class='input_wrap float_right' placeholder-class='text_999_30 float_right' style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align: right' placeholder='请输入(不超过1000)' type='digit' name='reduce_amount' bindinput='bindinput' disabled='{{input_disable}}' value='{{reduce_amount>=0?reduce_amount:""}}'></input> | |
33 | + </view> | |
33 | 34 | </view> |
34 | - </view> | |
35 | - <view wx:elif="{{issinglechildData.selected=='是'}}"> | |
36 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
37 | - <view style='height:90rpx'> | |
38 | - <text style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #333;margin-left:26rpx'>本年度月扣除金额</text> | |
39 | - <text class='float_right' style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #ff9f00;' name='country'>2000/月</text> | |
35 | + <view wx:elif="{{issinglechildData.selected=='是'}}"> | |
36 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
37 | + <view style='height:90rpx'> | |
38 | + <text style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #333;margin-left:26rpx'>本年度月扣除金额</text> | |
39 | + <text class='float_right' style='line-height: 90rpx;text-align:right;font-size: 30rpx;color: #ff9f00;' name='country'>2000/月</text> | |
40 | + </view> | |
40 | 41 | </view> |
41 | 42 | </view> |
42 | - </view> | |
43 | 43 | |
44 | 44 | |
45 | - <view wx:if="{{additionInfo&&additionInfo.length>0}}"> | |
45 | + <view wx:if="{{additionInfo&&additionInfo.length>0}}"> | |
46 | 46 | |
47 | - <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='children_education'}}"> | |
48 | - <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
49 | - <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
50 | - <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
51 | - <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>{{item.children_name}}</text> | |
52 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
53 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
54 | - <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
47 | + <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='children_education'}}"> | |
48 | + <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
49 | + <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
50 | + <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
51 | + <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>{{item.children_name}}</text> | |
52 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
53 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
54 | + <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
55 | 55 | |
56 | - </view> | |
57 | - <view style='padding-right: 30rpx'> | |
58 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
59 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
60 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>子女姓名:</text> | |
61 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.children_name}}</text> | |
62 | - </view> | |
63 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
64 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>分配比例:</text> | |
65 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.percent}}%</text> | |
66 | - </view> | |
67 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
68 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
69 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
70 | 56 | </view> |
71 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
72 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
73 | - <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
74 | - </view> | |
75 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
76 | - <text class='text_blue_28 float_right' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-left:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='showdetail'>查看</text> | |
77 | - <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
78 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
79 | - <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
57 | + <view style='padding-right: 30rpx'> | |
58 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
59 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
60 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>子女姓名:</text> | |
61 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.children_name}}</text> | |
62 | + </view> | |
63 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
64 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>分配比例:</text> | |
65 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.percent}}%</text> | |
66 | + </view> | |
67 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
68 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
69 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
70 | + </view> | |
71 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
72 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
73 | + <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
74 | + </view> | |
75 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
76 | + <text class='text_blue_28 float_right' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-left:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='showdetail'>查看</text> | |
77 | + <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
78 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
79 | + <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
80 | + </view> | |
80 | 81 | </view> |
81 | 82 | </view> |
82 | 83 | </view> |
83 | 84 | </view> |
84 | - </view> | |
85 | 85 | |
86 | - <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='continuing_education'}}"> | |
87 | - <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
88 | - <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column' wx:if="{{item.education_type==''||item.education_type=='title'}}"> | |
89 | - <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
90 | - <text class='text_gray_36' style='line-height:110rpx'>学历教育</text> | |
91 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
92 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
93 | - <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
94 | - </view> | |
95 | - <view style='padding-right:right'> | |
96 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
97 | - <!-- <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
86 | + <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='continuing_education'}}"> | |
87 | + <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
88 | + <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column' wx:if="{{item.education_type==''||item.education_type=='title'}}"> | |
89 | + <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
90 | + <text class='text_gray_36' style='line-height:110rpx'>学历教育</text> | |
91 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
92 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
93 | + <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
94 | + </view> | |
95 | + <view style='padding-right:right'> | |
96 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
97 | + <!-- <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
98 | 98 | <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>继续教育情况:</text> |
99 | 99 | <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_type}}</text> |
100 | 100 | </view> --> |
101 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
102 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>教育阶段:</text> | |
103 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_period}}</text> | |
104 | - </view> | |
105 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
106 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>入学时间起:</text> | |
107 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_start}}</text> | |
108 | - </view> | |
109 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
110 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>(预计)毕业时间</text> | |
111 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_end}}</text> | |
112 | - </view> | |
113 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
114 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
115 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
116 | - </view> | |
117 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
118 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
119 | - <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
101 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
102 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>教育阶段:</text> | |
103 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_period}}</text> | |
104 | + </view> | |
105 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
106 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>入学时间起:</text> | |
107 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_start}}</text> | |
108 | + </view> | |
109 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
110 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>(预计)毕业时间</text> | |
111 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_end}}</text> | |
112 | + </view> | |
113 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
114 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
115 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
116 | + </view> | |
117 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
118 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
119 | + <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
120 | + </view> | |
120 | 121 | </view> |
121 | - </view> | |
122 | 122 | |
123 | - </view> | |
124 | - <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column' wx:if="{{item.education_type=='profession'||item.education_type=='major'}}"> | |
125 | - <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
126 | - <text class='text_gray_36' style='line-height:110rpx'>非学历教育</text> | |
127 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
128 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
129 | - <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
130 | 123 | </view> |
131 | - <view style='padding-right:30rpx'> | |
132 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
133 | - <!-- <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
124 | + <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column' wx:if="{{item.education_type=='profession'||item.education_type=='major'}}"> | |
125 | + <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
126 | + <text class='text_gray_36' style='line-height:110rpx'>非学历教育</text> | |
127 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
128 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
129 | + <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
130 | + </view> | |
131 | + <view style='padding-right:30rpx'> | |
132 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
133 | + <!-- <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
134 | 134 | <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>继续教育情况:</text> |
135 | 135 | <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_type=='title'?"学历教育":"非学历教育"}}</text> |
136 | 136 | </view> --> |
137 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
138 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>继续教育类型:</text> | |
139 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_type=='major'?"专业技术人员职业资格":"技能人员职业资格"}}</text> | |
140 | - </view> | |
141 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
142 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>发证(批准)日期</text> | |
143 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.approval_date}}</text> | |
144 | - </view> | |
145 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
146 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>证书名称:</text> | |
147 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.certification_name}}</text> | |
148 | - </view> | |
149 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
150 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>证书编号:</text> | |
151 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.certification_no}}</text> | |
152 | - </view> | |
153 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
154 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>发证机关:</text> | |
155 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.certification_authority}}</text> | |
156 | - </view> | |
157 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
158 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
159 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
160 | - </view> | |
161 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
162 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
163 | - <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
137 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
138 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>继续教育类型:</text> | |
139 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.education_type=='major'?"专业技术人员职业资格":"技能人员职业资格"}}</text> | |
140 | + </view> | |
141 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
142 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>发证(批准)日期</text> | |
143 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.approval_date}}</text> | |
144 | + </view> | |
145 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
146 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>证书名称:</text> | |
147 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.certification_name}}</text> | |
148 | + </view> | |
149 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
150 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>证书编号:</text> | |
151 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.certification_no}}</text> | |
152 | + </view> | |
153 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
154 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>发证机关:</text> | |
155 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.certification_authority}}</text> | |
156 | + </view> | |
157 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
158 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
159 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
160 | + </view> | |
161 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
162 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
163 | + <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
164 | + </view> | |
164 | 165 | </view> |
165 | 166 | </view> |
166 | - </view> | |
167 | 167 | |
168 | - <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
169 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
170 | - <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
168 | + <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
169 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
170 | + <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
171 | + </view> | |
171 | 172 | </view> |
172 | 173 | </view> |
173 | - </view> | |
174 | 174 | |
175 | - <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='support_duty'}}"> | |
176 | - <view wx:if="{{additionInfo.length>0}}" wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
177 | - <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left:30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
178 | - <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
179 | - <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>被赡养人</text> | |
180 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
181 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
182 | - <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
183 | - </view> | |
184 | - <view style='padding-right:30rpx'> | |
185 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
186 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
187 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>被赡养人姓名:</text> | |
188 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.supported_name}}</text> | |
189 | - </view> | |
190 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
191 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>与纳税人关系:</text> | |
192 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.relationship}}</text> | |
175 | + <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='support_duty'}}"> | |
176 | + <view wx:if="{{additionInfo.length>0}}" wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
177 | + <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left:30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
178 | + <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
179 | + <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>被赡养人</text> | |
180 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
181 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
182 | + <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
193 | 183 | </view> |
194 | - <!-- <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
184 | + <view style='padding-right:30rpx'> | |
185 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
186 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
187 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>被赡养人姓名:</text> | |
188 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.supported_name}}</text> | |
189 | + </view> | |
190 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
191 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>与纳税人关系:</text> | |
192 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.relationship}}</text> | |
193 | + </view> | |
194 | + <!-- <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
195 | 195 | <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>分摊比例:</text> |
196 | 196 | <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.percent}}%</text> |
197 | 197 | </view> |
... | ... | @@ -203,249 +203,248 @@ |
203 | 203 | <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> |
204 | 204 | <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> |
205 | 205 | </view> --> |
206 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
207 | - <text class='text_blue_28 float_right' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-left:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='showdetail'>查看</text> | |
208 | - <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
209 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
210 | - <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
206 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
207 | + <text class='text_blue_28 float_right' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-left:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='showdetail'>查看</text> | |
208 | + <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
209 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
210 | + <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
211 | + </view> | |
212 | + </view> | |
213 | + | |
214 | + </view> | |
215 | + <view wx:if="{{item.co_supporters&&item.co_supporters.length>0}}"> | |
216 | + <view wx:for="{{item.co_supporters}}" style='margin:30rpx;padding-left:30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column' wx:for-item="itemdetail"> | |
217 | + <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
218 | + <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>共同赡养人</text> | |
219 | + </view> | |
220 | + <view style='padding-right:30rpx'> | |
221 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
222 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
223 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人姓名:</text> | |
224 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.co_supporter}}</text> | |
225 | + </view> | |
226 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
227 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人证照类型:</text> | |
228 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>居民身份证</text> | |
229 | + </view> | |
230 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
231 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人证照号码:</text> | |
232 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.id_card_no}}</text> | |
233 | + </view> | |
234 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
235 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人出生日期:</text> | |
236 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.birthday}}</text> | |
237 | + </view> | |
238 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
239 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人国籍:</text> | |
240 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>中国</text> | |
241 | + </view> | |
242 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
243 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>与纳税人关系:</text> | |
244 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.relationship}}</text> | |
245 | + </view> | |
246 | + </view> | |
247 | + </view> | |
248 | + </view> | |
249 | + <view> | |
250 | + <!-- <view style='background:#FFF;padding:30rpx' wx:if="{{idx==additionInfo.length-1}}"> | |
251 | + <view style='line-height:84rpx;text-align:center;font-size:34rpx;color:#fff;background:#357AEB;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goadd'> | |
252 | + 添加 | |
253 | + </view> | |
254 | + </view> --> | |
255 | + <view style='margin-left:30rpx' wx:if="{{!item.co_supporters||item.co_supporters.length<1}}"> | |
256 | + <text class='text_999_28'>您还没有添加继续共同赡养人,</text> | |
257 | + <text class='text_blue_28' bindtap='goaddSupporter'>请添加</text> | |
211 | 258 | </view> |
212 | 259 | </view> |
260 | + </view> | |
261 | + </view> | |
213 | 262 | |
263 | + <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='medical_fund'}}"> | |
264 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
265 | + <view style='height:100rpx;margin:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' bindtap='reducetype'> | |
266 | + <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>个人负担总金额</text> | |
267 | + <text class='text_orange_28 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>¥{{person_total_amount}}</text> | |
268 | + </view> | |
269 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
270 | + <view style='height:100rpx;margin:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' bindtap='reducetype'> | |
271 | + <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>可扣除金额</text> | |
272 | + <text class='text_orange_28 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>¥{{remaining_amount}}</text> | |
214 | 273 | </view> |
215 | - <view wx:if="{{item.co_supporters&&item.co_supporters.length>0}}"> | |
216 | - <view wx:for="{{item.co_supporters}}" style='margin:30rpx;padding-left:30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column' wx:for-item="itemdetail"> | |
274 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
275 | + <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
276 | + <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
217 | 277 | <view style='height:110rpx'> |
218 | - <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>共同赡养人</text> | |
278 | + <text class='text_gray_36' style='line-height:110rpx'>支出明细</text> | |
279 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
280 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
281 | + <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
219 | 282 | </view> |
220 | 283 | <view style='padding-right:30rpx'> |
221 | 284 | <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> |
222 | 285 | <view style='height:70rpx'> |
223 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人姓名:</text> | |
224 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.co_supporter}}</text> | |
286 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人姓名:</text> | |
287 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.name}}</text> | |
225 | 288 | </view> |
226 | 289 | <view style='height:70rpx'> |
227 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人证照类型:</text> | |
290 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人证照类型:</text> | |
228 | 291 | <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>居民身份证</text> |
229 | 292 | </view> |
230 | 293 | <view style='height:70rpx'> |
231 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人证照号码:</text> | |
232 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.id_card_no}}</text> | |
294 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人证照号码:</text> | |
295 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.id_card_no}}</text> | |
233 | 296 | </view> |
234 | 297 | <view style='height:70rpx'> |
235 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人出生日期:</text> | |
236 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.birthday}}</text> | |
298 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人出生日期:</text> | |
299 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.patient_birthday}}</text> | |
237 | 300 | </view> |
238 | 301 | <view style='height:70rpx'> |
239 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>共同赡养人国籍:</text> | |
302 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人国籍:</text> | |
240 | 303 | <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>中国</text> |
241 | 304 | </view> |
242 | 305 | <view style='height:70rpx'> |
243 | 306 | <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>与纳税人关系:</text> |
244 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{itemdetail.relationship}}</text> | |
307 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.relationship}}</text> | |
308 | + </view> | |
309 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
310 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>医疗支出总金额:</text> | |
311 | + <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.total_amount}}元</text> | |
312 | + </view> | |
313 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
314 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>个人负担金额:</text> | |
315 | + <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.amount_by_person}}元</text> | |
316 | + </view> | |
317 | + <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
318 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
319 | + <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
245 | 320 | </view> |
246 | 321 | </view> |
247 | 322 | </view> |
248 | 323 | </view> |
249 | - <view> | |
250 | - <!-- <view style='background:#FFF;padding:30rpx' wx:if="{{idx==additionInfo.length-1}}"> | |
251 | - <view style='line-height:84rpx;text-align:center;font-size:34rpx;color:#fff;background:#357AEB;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goadd'> | |
252 | - 添加 | |
253 | - </view> | |
254 | - </view> --> | |
255 | - <view style='margin-left:30rpx' wx:if="{{!item.co_supporters||item.co_supporters.length<1}}"> | |
256 | - <text class='text_999_28'>您还没有添加继续共同赡养人,</text> | |
257 | - <text class='text_blue_28' bindtap='goaddSupporter'>请添加</text> | |
258 | - </view> | |
259 | - </view> | |
260 | 324 | </view> |
261 | - </view> | |
262 | 325 | |
263 | - <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='medical_fund'}}"> | |
264 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
265 | - <view style='height:100rpx;margin:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' bindtap='reducetype'> | |
266 | - <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>个人负担总金额</text> | |
267 | - <text class='text_orange_28 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>¥{{person_total_amount}}</text> | |
268 | - </view> | |
269 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
270 | - <view style='height:100rpx;margin:0 30rpx;background:#FFF' bindtap='reducetype'> | |
271 | - <text style='font-size:30rpx;color:#333;line-height:100rpx;font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold;float:left'>可扣除金额</text> | |
272 | - <text class='text_orange_28 float_right' style='line-height:100rpx'>¥{{remaining_amount}}</text> | |
273 | - </view> | |
274 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
275 | - <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
276 | - <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
277 | - <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
278 | - <text class='text_gray_36' style='line-height:110rpx'>支出明细</text> | |
279 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
280 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
281 | - <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
282 | - </view> | |
283 | - <view style='padding-right:30rpx'> | |
284 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
285 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
286 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人姓名:</text> | |
287 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.name}}</text> | |
288 | - </view> | |
289 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
290 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人证照类型:</text> | |
291 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>居民身份证</text> | |
292 | - </view> | |
293 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
294 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人证照号码:</text> | |
295 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.id_card_no}}</text> | |
296 | - </view> | |
297 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
298 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人出生日期:</text> | |
299 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.patient_birthday}}</text> | |
300 | - </view> | |
301 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
302 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>病人国籍:</text> | |
303 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>中国</text> | |
304 | - </view> | |
305 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
306 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>与纳税人关系:</text> | |
307 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.relationship}}</text> | |
308 | - </view> | |
309 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
310 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>医疗支出总金额:</text> | |
311 | - <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.total_amount}}元</text> | |
312 | - </view> | |
313 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
314 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>个人负担金额:</text> | |
315 | - <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.amount_by_person}}元</text> | |
316 | - </view> | |
317 | - <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
318 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
319 | - <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
326 | + <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='house_fund'}}"> | |
327 | + <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
328 | + <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
329 | + <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
330 | + <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>住房</text> | |
331 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
332 | + <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
333 | + <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
320 | 334 | </view> |
321 | - </view> | |
322 | - </view> | |
323 | - </view> | |
324 | - </view> | |
325 | - | |
326 | - <view wx:if="{{cur_status=='house_fund'}}"> | |
327 | - <view wx:for="{{additionInfo}}"> | |
328 | - <view style='margin:30rpx;padding-left: 30rpx' class='card_rectangle_bg_column'> | |
329 | - <view style='height:110rpx'> | |
330 | - <text class='text_gray_36 float_left' style='line-height:110rpx'>住房</text> | |
331 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}" class='declare_style red_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
332 | - <view wx:if="{{item.status=='success'}}" class='declare_style blue_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
333 | - <view wx:else class='declare_style orange_bg'> {{declareStatus[item.status]}}</view> | |
334 | - </view> | |
335 | - <view style='padding-right: 30rpx'> | |
336 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
337 | - <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:row'> | |
338 | - <view wx:if="{{house_type=='house_fund_rent'}}"> | |
339 | - <view class='text_999_28 float_left' style='line-height:70rpx;width:248rpx;text-align:left;white-space:nowrap;'>租赁房屋坐落地址:</view> | |
340 | - <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-width:392rpx;'> | |
341 | - <text class='text_333_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_address_new}}</text> | |
342 | - <text class='text_999_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_detail_address}}</text> | |
335 | + <view style='padding-right: 30rpx'> | |
336 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
337 | + <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:row'> | |
338 | + <view wx:if="{{house_type=='house_fund_rent'}}"> | |
339 | + <view class='text_999_28 float_left' style='line-height:70rpx;width:248rpx;text-align:left;white-space:nowrap;'>租赁房屋坐落地址:</view> | |
340 | + <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-width:392rpx;'> | |
341 | + <text class='text_333_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_address_new}}</text> | |
342 | + <text class='text_999_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_detail_address}}</text> | |
343 | + </view> | |
343 | 344 | </view> |
344 | - </view> | |
345 | - <view wx:if="{{house_type=='house_fund_loan'}}"> | |
346 | - <text class='text_999_28 float_left' style='line-height:70rpx;width:192rpx;text-align:left;white-space:nowrap;'>房屋坐落地址:</text> | |
347 | - <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-width:450rpx;'> | |
348 | - <text class='text_333_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_address_new}}</text> | |
349 | - <text class='text_999_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_detail_address}}</text> | |
345 | + <view wx:if="{{house_type=='house_fund_loan'}}"> | |
346 | + <text class='text_999_28 float_left' style='line-height:70rpx;width:192rpx;text-align:left;white-space:nowrap;'>房屋坐落地址:</text> | |
347 | + <view style='display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-width:450rpx;'> | |
348 | + <text class='text_333_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_address_new}}</text> | |
349 | + <text class='text_999_28 text_singleline' style='line-height:70rpx;text-align:left'>{{item.house_detail_address}}</text> | |
350 | + </view> | |
350 | 351 | </view> |
351 | 352 | </view> |
352 | - </view> | |
353 | - <!-- <view wx:if="{{house_type=='house_fund_loan'}}"> | |
353 | + <!-- <view wx:if="{{house_type=='house_fund_loan'}}"> | |
354 | 354 | <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>房屋坐落地址:</text> |
355 | 355 | <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.house_address_new}}</text> |
356 | 356 | <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{item.house_detail_address}}</text> |
357 | 357 | </view> --> |
358 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
359 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
360 | - <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
361 | - </view> | |
362 | - <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
363 | - <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
364 | - <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
365 | - </view> | |
366 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
367 | - <text class='text_blue_28 float_right' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-left:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='showdetail'>查看</text> | |
368 | - <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
369 | - <text class='text_999_28' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
370 | - <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
358 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
359 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除方式:</text> | |
360 | + <text class='text_333_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}度</text> | |
361 | + </view> | |
362 | + <view style='height:70rpx'> | |
363 | + <text class='text_999_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx'>扣除金额:</text> | |
364 | + <text class='text_orange_28 ' style='line-height:70rpx;margin-left:20rpx'>¥{{item.deduction_amount}}/{{reducetype[item.deduction_type]}}</text> | |
365 | + </view> | |
366 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
367 | + <text class='text_blue_28 float_right' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-left:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='showdetail'>查看</text> | |
368 | + <view class='float_right' wx:if="{{item.status=='failed'}}"> | |
369 | + <text class='text_999_28' style='line-height:90rpx;margin-right:40rpx' id='{{index}}' bindtap='godelete'>删除</text> | |
370 | + <text class='text_blue_28 ' style='line-height:90rpx;' id='{{index}}' bindtap='goedit'>编辑</text> | |
371 | + </view> | |
371 | 372 | </view> |
372 | 373 | </view> |
373 | 374 | </view> |
374 | 375 | </view> |
376 | + | |
377 | + </view> | |
378 | + <view wx:if="{{!additionInfo||additionInfo.length<1}}"> | |
379 | + <image style='width:55%;height:254rpx;margin:166rpx;' src='/images/noreduce_img.png'></image> | |
375 | 380 | </view> |
376 | 381 | |
377 | 382 | </view> |
378 | - <view wx:if="{{!additionInfo||additionInfo.length<1}}"> | |
379 | - <image style='width:55%;height:254rpx;margin:166rpx;' src='/images/noreduce_img.png'></image> | |
380 | - </view> | |
381 | - | |
382 | - </view> | |
383 | 383 | |
384 | - <view class='bottom_btn_wrap' hidden="{{additionInfo&&additionInfo.length>0&&cur_status=='house_fund'&&house_type=='house_fund_loan'}}"> | |
385 | - <view class='btn_blue_radius' bindtap="goadd"> | |
386 | - <view class='text_white_34'>添加</view> | |
384 | + <view class='bottom_btn_wrap' hidden="{{additionInfo&&additionInfo.length>0&&cur_status=='house_fund'&&house_type=='house_fund_loan'}}"> | |
385 | + <view class='btn_blue_radius' bindtap="goadd"> | |
386 | + <view class='text_white_34'>添加</view> | |
387 | + </view> | |
387 | 388 | </view> |
388 | - </view> | |
389 | - | |
390 | -</view> | |
391 | 389 | |
390 | + </view> | |
392 | 391 | |
393 | 392 | |
394 | -<view class="mask" catchtouchmove="preventTouchMove" hidden="{{!showModal_img&&!showModal_reducetype&&!showModal_addtype}}"></view> | |
395 | -<!-- 申报说明 --> | |
396 | -<view style='top:250rpx;position:absolute;z-index:10;width:325px;right:0;left:0;margin:auto' hidden="{{!showModal_img}}"> | |
397 | - <image class='modal_img' src="{{modal_images[cur_status]}}"></image> | |
398 | - <!-- <text style='position:absolute;font-size:20px;color:#fff;float:right;top:0;right:100rpx' bindtap='closeModalImg'>x</text> --> | |
399 | - <view style='width:80rpx;height:80rpx;position:absolute;float:right;top:0;right:0;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;'> | |
400 | - <image style='width:30rpx;height:30rpx;' src='/images/close.png' bindtap='closeModalImg'></image> | |
393 | + <view class="mask" catchtouchmove="preventTouchMove" hidden="{{!showModal_img&&!showModal_reducetype&&!showModal_addtype}}"></view> | |
394 | + <!-- 申报说明 --> | |
395 | + <view style='top:250rpx;position:absolute;z-index:10;width:325px;right:0;left:0;margin:auto' hidden="{{!showModal_img}}"> | |
396 | + <image class='modal_img' src="{{modal_images[cur_status]}}"></image> | |
397 | + <!-- <text style='position:absolute;font-size:20px;color:#fff;float:right;top:0;right:100rpx' bindtap='closeModalImg'>x</text> --> | |
398 | + <view style='width:80rpx;height:80rpx;position:absolute;float:right;top:0;right:0;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;'> | |
399 | + <image style='width:30rpx;height:30rpx;' src='/images/close.png' bindtap='closeModalImg'></image> | |
400 | + </view> | |
401 | 401 | </view> |
402 | -</view> | |
403 | 402 | |
404 | -<!-- 扣除类型 --> | |
405 | -<view class='modal_lg' style='' wx:if="{{showModal_reducetype}}"> | |
406 | - <text class='text_modal_title'>请选择扣除方式</text> | |
407 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
408 | - <view style='width:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;'> | |
409 | - <view wx:for="{{reducetypeData}}" wx:for-index="idx"> | |
410 | - <view wx:if="{{selected_reduceindex==idx}}"> | |
411 | - <text class='text_item_blue float_left'>{{item}}</text> | |
412 | - <image class='icon_choosed' src="/images/icon_chat_choosed.png"></image> | |
413 | - </view> | |
414 | - <view wx:else bindtap='goselect' id='{{idx}}'> | |
415 | - <text class='text_item_black float_left'>{{item}}</text> | |
403 | + <!-- 扣除类型 --> | |
404 | + <view class='modal_lg' style='' wx:if="{{showModal_reducetype}}"> | |
405 | + <text class='text_modal_title'>请选择扣除方式</text> | |
406 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
407 | + <view style='width:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;'> | |
408 | + <view wx:for="{{reducetypeData}}" wx:for-index="idx"> | |
409 | + <view wx:if="{{selected_reduceindex==idx}}"> | |
410 | + <text class='text_item_blue float_left'>{{item}}</text> | |
411 | + <image class='icon_choosed' src="/images/icon_chat_choosed.png"></image> | |
412 | + </view> | |
413 | + <view wx:else bindtap='goselect' id='{{idx}}'> | |
414 | + <text class='text_item_black float_left'>{{item}}</text> | |
415 | + </view> | |
416 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
416 | 417 | </view> |
417 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
418 | 418 | </view> |
419 | - </view> | |
420 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
419 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
421 | 420 | |
422 | - <view style='width:100%;display: flex;'> | |
423 | - <text class='text_cancel' bindtap='reduce_modalLeft'>取消</text> | |
424 | - <view style='width:1px;background:#F5F5F5;margin:20rpx 0'></view> | |
425 | - <text class='text_confirm' bindtap='reduce_modalRight'>确认</text> | |
421 | + <view style='width:100%;display: flex;'> | |
422 | + <text class='text_cancel' bindtap='reduce_modalLeft'>取消</text> | |
423 | + <view style='width:1px;background:#F5F5F5;margin:20rpx 0'></view> | |
424 | + <text class='text_confirm' bindtap='reduce_modalRight'>确认</text> | |
425 | + </view> | |
426 | 426 | </view> |
427 | -</view> | |
428 | 427 | |
429 | -<!-- 添加子女 老人 大病--> | |
430 | -<view class='modal_lg' style='' wx:if="{{showModal_addtype}}"> | |
431 | - <text class='text_modal_title'>{{modalData.title}}</text> | |
432 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
433 | - <view style='width:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;'> | |
434 | - <block wx:for="{{modalData.datas}}" wx:for-index="idx"> | |
435 | - <view wx:if="{{idx==selected_addindex}}"> | |
436 | - <text class='text_item_blue float_left'>{{item.name}}</text> | |
437 | - <image class='icon_choosed' src="/images/icon_chat_choosed.png"></image> | |
438 | - </view> | |
439 | - <view wx:else bindtap='goselect' id='{{idx}}'> | |
440 | - <text class='text_item_black float_left'>{{item.name}}</text> | |
441 | - </view> | |
442 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
443 | - </block> | |
444 | - </view> | |
445 | - <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
446 | - <view style='width:100%;display: flex;'> | |
447 | - <text class='text_cancel01' bindtap='modalLeft'>{{modalData.lefttext}}</text> | |
448 | - <view style='width:1px;background:#F5F5F5;margin:20rpx 0'></view> | |
449 | - <text class='text_confirm01' bindtap='modalRight'>{{modalData.righttext}}</text> | |
450 | - </view> | |
451 | -</view> | |
\ No newline at end of file | ||
428 | + <!-- 添加子女 老人 大病--> | |
429 | + <view class='modal_lg' style='' wx:if="{{showModal_addtype}}"> | |
430 | + <text class='text_modal_title'>{{modalData.title}}</text> | |
431 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
432 | + <view style='width:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;'> | |
433 | + <block wx:for="{{modalData.datas}}" wx:for-index="idx"> | |
434 | + <view wx:if="{{idx==selected_addindex}}"> | |
435 | + <text class='text_item_blue float_left'>{{item.name}}</text> | |
436 | + <image class='icon_choosed' src="/images/icon_chat_choosed.png"></image> | |
437 | + </view> | |
438 | + <view wx:else bindtap='goselect' id='{{idx}}'> | |
439 | + <text class='text_item_black float_left'>{{item.name}}</text> | |
440 | + </view> | |
441 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
442 | + </block> | |
443 | + </view> | |
444 | + <view class='divide_line_f5f5f5'></view> | |
445 | + <view style='width:100%;display: flex;'> | |
446 | + <text class='text_cancel01' bindtap='modalLeft'>{{modalData.lefttext}}</text> | |
447 | + <view style='width:1px;background:#F5F5F5;margin:20rpx 0'></view> | |
448 | + <text class='text_confirm01' bindtap='modalRight'>{{modalData.righttext}}</text> | |
449 | + </view> | |
450 | + </view> | |
\ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |